Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill - 1712 Words

Bentham/ J.S Mill â€Å"According to Jeremy Bentham’s ‘principle of utility,’ actions are right when they increase happiness and diminish misery.† (Bentham, pg. 101) With this, Bentham is described as a â€Å"hedonistic utilitarian,† meaning his theoretical objectives consist of the pursuit of happiness/pleasure and the avoidance of pain. Hedonists also believe in quantifying happiness. Bentham developed the formula of the â€Å"calculus of felicity†(hedonistic calculus) in order for one to â€Å"analyze an act in terms of the pleasure it will produce† when applied to utilitarian criteria. (Bentham, pg. 270) Bentham intended this grouping of circumstances to be applied when considering all acts. The seven categories defined by Bentham are: Intensity, Duration, Certainty, Proximity, Fecundity, Purity, and Extent. The benefit of using utilitarian criteria for determining the value of pleasure is that it presents several perspectives of pleasure. The primar y advantage of â€Å"calculus of felicity† using utilitarian criteria is that the pleasure obtained from all different acts or sources is to be measured in the same way. Universal application of this measurement implies that there is no additional value to acts that are deemed more moral or intellectual. John Stuart Mill is an advocate of the â€Å"principle of utility† and believed the ideology behind achieving happiness was acting in favor of the highest good. He presented his theory of â€Å"Utilitarianism† as the standard of morality, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Utilitarianism By Jeremy Bentham And John Stewart Mill903 Words   |  4 Pages Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill both present great ideas towards Utilitarianism. Bentham on one hand came up with the theory of Utilitarianism, while Mill tried to build upon Bentham’s ideology, and make his own stronger. Bentham believed in one ultimate moral principle, the principle of utility. 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