Sunday, October 13, 2019

Field Study At Alcoholics Anonymous Essay -- Research Alcoholism Drink

Field Study At Alcoholics Anonymous On Wednesday March 15 and 22 I attended meetings of the Serentiy Group, a local meeting group of Alcoholics Anonymous that were held at the Congregational Church in East Bridgewater. The meetings started around 8:00 pm and went until each member was given the opportunity to speak, or to share their feelings in some way. There was a total of 15 people present, including myself and my companion. The group was primarily made up of males, there was one female aside from my companion and I. The age of the group members was pretty much middle age (late 30s to 50s).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before attending the meeting I was very apprehensive about going, for many reasons. The main one was that I did not know what to expect. I was unsure of who was going to be there, if I would know anyone, or if anyone would know me. I felt as though I was going to be invading the privacy of those in attendance. Upon arrival at I felt very extremely uncomfortable for two reasons, the obvious age difference, and the male to female ratio. The uneasiness passed quickly as the members of the group welcomed us in, and made us feel as if we were a part of the group. I think that part of my initial nervousness was due to the fact that I did not know what to expect, I was unsure as to what a drunk would look like. Once I arrived I realized that they do not look any different than anyone else. My initial impression was that the meeting would be very depressing, a ...

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