Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kohlbergs Principles of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kohlbergs Principles of Ethics - Essay Example Lawrence Kohlberg was one of the first serious thinkers to study and know about a person's ability to deal with ethical issues which could develop in later life and also whether education could affect that development (Source: Can Ethics Be Taught). Kohlberg developed a theory of moral reasoning, which according to him was the basis for ethical behavior and has three major levels split into six identifiable stages of moral development as shown below: The Stage 1 is a heteronomous orientation focusing on avoiding breaking rules that are backed by punishment, obedience for its own sake and avoiding the physical consequences of an action to persons and property (Source: Studies in moral development and education). The Stage 2 orientation focuses on the instrumental, pragmatic value of an action. Reciprocity is of the form. The Golden Rule becomes, "If someone hits you, you hit them back". Thus one follows the rules only when it is to someone's immediate interests. What is right is what's fair in the sense of an equal exchange, a deal, an agreement with his (her) own interest (Source: Studies in moral development and education). At Stage 3 individuals are aware of shared feelings, agreements, and expectations which take primacy over individual interests. Hence they define what is right in terms of what is expected by people close to their own self, and in terms of the stereotypic roles that define being good. Thus being good here means keeping mutual relationships, such as trust, loyalty, respect, and gratitude. The thinking is that of local community or family. There is no consideration of the generalized social system (Source: Studies in moral development and education). The Stage 4 shifts focus from defining what is right in terms of local norms and role expectations to defining right in terms of the laws and norms established by the larger social system. Thus defining one's social responsibilities. One must obey the law except in extreme cases in which the law comes into conflict with other prescribed social duties. Obeying the law is seen as necessary in order to maintain the system of laws which protect everyone (Source: Studies in moral development and education). While two stages have been mentioned in the third major level only one stage i.e., Stage 5, has received substantial empirical support. Stage 6 remains as a theoretical endpoint which rationally follows from the preceding 5 stages. This level is called the post conventional level and is characterized by reasoning based on principles, using a "prior to society" perspective. The individual's reason here is based on the principles which underlie rules and norms, but reject a uniform application of a rule or norm (Source: Studies in moral development and education). According to Campbell and Bond (1982) Kohlberg's ideas of moral reasoning, moral realism and morality are based on the premise that at birth all humans are void of morals, ethics and honesty. Kohlberg identified the family as first source of values and moral development for an individual. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy being honest or generous is just not a tendency to do what is honest or generous, nor is it to be helpfully specified as a "desirable" or "morally

Monday, October 28, 2019

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay Example for Free

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that special steps be taken when recruiting disabled veterans. The DVAAP requires that the federal government award three percent of all federals contracts to disabled veterans. The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that disabled veterans must be hired if they are able to work and willing. This affirmative action requires that there should be promotion of maximum of employment and job opportunities for disabled veterans within the federal government. This therefore supports the argument that disable veterans should get preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled. This act defines a disabled veteran as the veteran who has the right to receive compensation under the laws administered by VA. It also defines a veteran as a person who was released from duty due to a service connection disability. The DVAAP program aims to raise the number of disabled veterans in profession positions through interval jobs advancement opportunities. It also focus on increasing the number of disabled veterans in technical position through recruitments DVAAP seeks to promote efforts that ensures disabled veterans are included in recruitment efforts. (Sowell, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veterans are accorded preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled because, the DVAAP act dictates that are all state agencies and institutions increase employment opportunities fro disabled veterans. The veteran’s affairs department advocates nard for assistance to be granted to veterans owned small businesses. The federal regulations for disabled veterans provide that employments should not request self identities during recruitment opportunities. Veterans must not identify their disability status before they have been offered a job. On many occasions, disabled veterans, even when willing to work and qualified, are shut of the workforce due to the discrimination. The federal law provides that preferential treatment be given to veterans seeking employment. The law ensures that the disabled veterans on a preferential basis, the full employment services presented by law. Disabled veterans should be provided with intensive employment and training services to prepare them accordingly for the jobs. Affirmative Action for women and minority   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action for women and minority is established with an attempt to redistribute economic power equally by ensuring that employers give preference to women and minorities during recruitments. Affirmative action is a plan initiated to remedy any cases of discriminating behavior that have occurred in an institution in the past. Affirmative action gives preferential to women through a range of measures such as lower scores for test for jobs or recruitment procedures. Due to the long history of discrimination cases occurring based on race and sex, affirmative action programs have been initiated and directed towards women and minorities. This has been done to promote recruitment, retention, promotion and educational opportunities accorded to women and minority. (Charles J Muhl.). Strategies used in affirmative action programmes are focused on expanding the pool of job or admission applicants. This can be done through using strategies that reach outside the traditional channels set especially by placing employment notices in areas where the women and minorities will easily see them. Affirmative action programs are increasing on the job training opportunities that encourage occupation mobility within the workplace. Affirmative Action Programs for women and minority have been instituted and granted the force of law. Affirmative actions for women and minority in employment were implemented to prohibit discrimination by employers based on sex. Women should be accorded equal opportunities just like their male counterparts. The affirmative action for women and minorities addresses issues such as prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, recruitment and hiring methods, discrimination complaints and promotions.      Ã‚  The federal law requires that institutions determine whether women and minorities are being underutilized in their companies. If this is the case, companies must take steps to correct this situation, especially through the use of recruitment and outreach programs and also put more emphasize on eliminating barriers that hinder equal employment opportunities. Institution managers and supervisors must ensure that steps are taken to ensure women and minorities are aware of available job opportunities. Women and minority groups must be given full and fair consideration based on their abilities and qualifications. Due to the discrimination of women and minorities in the learning centers, affirmative action programs have been initiated to ensure that these groups are accorded equal opportunities in the education system. This also ensures that trained women and minority are included in the hiring and promotional activities. Affirmative action for women and minorities ensure that qualified women and minorities are included in the candidates’ pool. (Ball, Haque, 2003). Affirmative Action Arguments   Ã‚   Based on the affirmative action, three arguments have been offered, which include social good also known as the utilitarian consideration, compensatory justice referred to as deontological theory and the ideal of equality. The social good, states that the society will benefit more by initiating programs that enrich and empower women. By advancing women, the society is required to offer employment opportunities to women and minorities based on their qualifications. However, this affirmative action has led to more qualified men being left out of job opportunities in order to promote women who are even less qualified. As a result, institutions are using the quota system instead of the merit system to allocate jobs. Many people have argued that this system has promoted less qualified candidates and left out the more qualified candidates. Affirmative action therefore creates a big wedge between individual worth and economic success. This is evidence enough that the quota system does not benefit the society. Women who succeed in their companies are not accorded the respect they deserve. This is because many people claim that the women succeed due to preferential treatment policies that are directed to the women and minority. The implementation of affirmative action created a bad tradition in the workplace, whereby employers are quick to promote women without qualification or place them in inappropriate job positions so as to meet the affirmative action requirements. By doing this, employers put women and minorities at a higher risk of failing in their jobs and their after lay the blame on their sex, race and preferential treatment policies. (Gilbert, Stead, Ivancevich, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚   The compensatory justice argument, also known as deontological theory, claims that if a person causes injury to someone else they should remedy the damage. Affirmative action claims that even the descendants of the injured person should be compensated as well. Objections to this argument state that those individuals being compensated are not victims in any way and those being forced to pay the compensation have not done any wrong. Those objecting to this argument claim that since some minority groups have been subjected to historical prejudice previously, this has been used to classify all low earning groups as victims of injustice. This argument claims that since women have been victims of prejudice and discrimination in the employment and education sectors, they should be given preferential treatment when recruiting, training or hiring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ideal of equality is the most common moral argument for affirmative action programs. Under this argument women and minority groups should be accorded equal treatment and rights just like men and other groups. Under law employers must not use discriminatory biases such as gender, race, or national origin to hire or recruit candidates. However, some government agencies and constitutions have implemented policies that oppress both the women and minorities. Some government policies restrict the employment of certain groups especially women and people of color in certain job categories. The main objection of this argument is that equality means that everyone should be granted equal treatment and not being given priviledges. Most women advocating for equal treatment, are actually advocating for priviledges in employment opportunities. (Allen, 2003).   Ã‚   In the compensatory justice argument, both men and women should be given justice because; all human beings should be given what they individually deserve. Men should be given employment opportunities just like women. According to the deontological theory, the rightness of the means justifies the action. According to this, both men and women should be accorded their rights equally. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veteran affirmative action program is a way of promoting the lives of disabled veterans released from active duty due to service disability, by ensuring they get equal employment opportunities like other veterans who are not disabled. Affirmative action for women and minorities on the other hand, seeks to promote women and minority groups at the expense of other qualified candidates. Affirmative action for women has led to the employment of women with less qualification at the expense of more qualified men. Affirmative action for women and minorities, to some extent, does not promote race or gender equality. However, the Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Program promotes equality among all veterans, whether disabled or not disabled. References Allen, R. (2003). Examining the implementation of affirmative action in law enforcement. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 411. Ball, C., Haque, A. (2003). Diversity in religious practice: Implications of Islamic values in the public workplace. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 315. Charles J Muhl. Monthly Labor Review. Washington: Jan 1999. Vol. 122, Iss. 1; p. 48 (2 pages). Gilbert, J.A., Stead, B.A., Ivancevich, J.M. (1999). Diversity management: A new organizational paradigm. Journal of Business Ethics, 21(1), 61-76. Sowell, T. (2004). Affirmative Action around the World: An Empirical Study. Yale University Press.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mercury in the Everglades Essay -- Geology

Mercury in the Everglades Everglades Background Information: * Established in 1947 on 1.4 million acres in southwest Florida * Sunny, Semi-Tropical Swamp Setting. Experiences near daily downpours ( Mercury's Effect on the Everglades: * A small amount of mercury is found in the crust of the earth. This is not the problem. The anthropogenic mercury is the problem. The mercury that is growing dangerously in size is known as methylmercury. It is an organic substance that still baffles scientists who are trying to work out its life cycle. So far, what they know is that methylmercury forms when inorganic mercury combines with organic matter that is dissolved in water. This reaction favors conditions that are extremely warm, where there is plenty of sunlight, and where the right kind of bacteria is present (mainly sulfate reducing bacteria). The Everglades, unfortunately, because of its large amount of sunlight and the near daily downpours provides ideal environment for forming methylmercury. ( * Mercury settlement: The majority of mercury sett;es into the surface sediment where the amount of mercury was2.5 times more than the deep sediment. This of course leads to an even greater chance of the mercury getting recycled into the food chain rather than decomposing. ( * Biomagnefication: Methylmercury becomes deadly to the environment through the process of biomagnefication. To achieve biomagnefication, the mercury must be consumed by microorganisms nd work its way up the food chain increasing in concentration as it enters large... ... that 95% of the mercury arrives in the Everglades via the atmosphere. Hydrological changes resulting from the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project ( * Conclusion: Rising mercury levels in the Everglades is just one of the problems that we need to deal with in order to protect our Everglades. However, it is not an issue that we can procrastinate on or fight over. Mercury levels are rising and our time is running out. We need to act before it is too late. * Bibliography: ( ( ( ( ( (

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Essay -- Papers

Marketing Different Companies have different methods of selling their products, some companies decide to launch an item and wait for the results of the sales. Another method of selling a product is to research the market in which it is to be sold. There are various ways of conducting some market research, much depends on the item you wish to sell, the time you may have to research and the amount of money that is available. People who are expected to be consumers may be approached in order to recognise their needs, this may be done through questionnaires verbally by post or by phone once their needs are recognised it will be clearer what to provide for them. Research into the companies' product may provide information into potential competition and pricing the product. Price is of obvious importance for maximum sales and maximum profit. Researching the market may suggest that a sample should be circulated in order to address and amend any issues for example if it is an edible product the taste and smell must be considered if it is an electrical product the functions may be considered is it user friendly or practical or too complicated the right product with the wrong design will not sell and cold turn a potential profit into a potential loss. Studying peoples buying patterns will unveil ideas as to where this product should be sold, where people are more likely to buy them the consumer will have to be targeted and the product strategically planned in order to sell e.g. Haagen Dazs Good market research and prompt recognition and coherence will allow the producers to adopt relevant selling strategies and the ability to ... ...oduce enough in June 1994 and therefore decided not to use any advertising promotions. This may have been avoided if primary research had been done earlier to see what the demands of the consumers were, and the forecast of the weather. The product proved to be successful and ultimately that is what produces profits. Walls chose to conduct little primary research it may be that it was not required as Solero was a success, but it may also suggest that Walls missed out on profits of one month in an exceptionally hot summer because of lack of primary research Also arguably, Walls set out to repeat the success of Magnum in the indulgence sector but according to the impulse-positioning map Solero is purchased as refreshment and not indulgence does this mean that there is still room for a product in the indulgence sector?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media and Mass Communications Development on a Healthy Mature Culture Essay

This argumentative essay is specially made to discuss the possibility for media and mass communication to nurture the development of a healthy, mature culture. Overall, the process of media and mass communication media development has already caused changes in the public sphere. The digitalization of media dramatically increases the chances of the people to get an access to the information, which is transferred instantly and often has not been edited by the people in government or media bosses. Thus, the information is now very complicated to control and therefore public has more opportunities to form its own opinion by comparing the facts from the different sources. The major problem, which could be seen right away, is the relation between the today’s process of media development and the actual development of a healthy culture. An assumption could be suggested that media and mass communication are able to influence the development of a healthy and mature culture, but it will require some significant changes form both media owners and their employees, as well as from society itself. Let’s de-construct the elements of the question and consider them in details in order to provide the better analysis. Strinati (2004) claims that the coming of the mass media and the increasing commercialization of culture and leisure resulted in the rise of issues, interests and debates which are still with us today. The researchers talk about culture, but what exactly is a culture? The word origin of culture or, the Latin root of the term is â€Å"colere,† meaning anything from cultivating to inhabiting, protecting, or worshipping. Modern definition of culture is the following: it is a growing sum of â€Å"knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations. † (Muller, 2005) Cultures differ depending on the mentioned elements of culture. As the examples of different cultures, the culture of Eastern and Western countries could be named. Mature† means the situation or the final condition when the full desired growth or development has been reached. â€Å"Healthy† means the robust and well condition; it is also an efficient and sound being. â€Å"Development† is a positive change; it is also a process of growth and an evolution. The word â€Å"nurture† means the act of helping to grow or develop; it is also an act of cultivation of some characteristics. â€Å"Media† are the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, for example, television, newspapers, radio and internet. In agreement to Morley (2000) the current global culture is the culture of hyper mobility where â€Å"we often engaged in border-crossings of one kind or another, but the nature and functions of borders themselves are shifting†. (Morley,2000) We live in the information economy era, in the era of new progressive technologies and communications that break the borders, in the times of social and economic evolution, the public sphere experiences new challenges and face new opportunities in this world full of complexity. Without a doubt the influence of modern mass communication over the culture is considerable. The shifts in the social and other aspects that are influenced by the spread of technologies and new media are powerful and they change our lifestyle, our habits and hobbies: they change the way we are living. Power and Scott (2004), argue the significance of mass media technology for economic and social life may be shown by considering certain developments of the 21st century. The situation in the 21st century in terms of the cultural development and its influence on people is much more complex than ever before. The introduction of internet has a significant influence over business and education because it provides greater learning opportunities than ever before. It is clear that the benefits of new technologies and mass communication for the education are enormous. Many experts claim that media influence the way we live in both positive and negative ways. An individual that aims to gain a significant social success almost can’t achieve it without at least slight use of the information gained through mass communication. Therefore these options can’t be ignored because they affect the majority of spheres of life and bring certain experience of social change. The development of mass media presents some outstanding social opportunities. But at the same time, the successful rise of mass media has also brought up concerns about the negative consequences of its spreading. There no doubt that mass communications and media have the tremendous influence over society and its culture. Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) These changes lead to â€Å"new era economics† also known as a knowledge economy, non-linear effects, an unpredictable future, a redefinition of terms, time/distance changes, and much greater transparency. (Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) Without a doubt, media sector experience dramatic transformations both in terms of the access to the information, the speed of the information spreading throughout the world and the increasing inability to control the information by the media owners or the government institutions. The processes of total digitalization and media convergence have started in 2000s and the majority of mass media indicate the possibility of turning the print media into fully digital forms by 2020 or 2025. Digital media has potentially revolutionary impact on the lifestyle of society. There is also an idea that media development and digital revolution are the ways â€Å"into an unknown and fundamentally changed future. † (Feldman, 1997) New media and new way of communications not only influence the culture of society, but they also change the way and manners of the socialization of its members. The major advantage of electronic communication and information technologies is the capability to transfer the information faster, at a lower cost, and to more people while also offering increased data communality, and processing. Another important aspect in which the media and mass communication can influence and nurture the development of a new healthy culture is the improved opportunity of learning by obtaining necessary information much faster and easier than ever before. Information acquisition is the process by which information is obtained from the environment and added to the collective stock of knowledge of a person or society in general. Fast information distribution provided by the modern mass communication allows sharing information sources among members of society freely, without the governmental control. The new mass communication also store information, and it plays a critical role in the development of culture, since socially accepted past experiences need to be accumulated for future use.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

By the 1850s the Constitution DBQ essays

By the 1850s the Constitution DBQ essays Assignment: By the 1850s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created. Assess the validity of this statement. The Constitution continued to bring national unity until the 1850s, but later, a series of resolutions raised a great confusion about the view of the Constitution concerning slavery. At this time, the law encouraged a growing split between the North and the South. The Compromise of 1850 seemed to satisfy the States, while it declared California a free State, gave a reasonable amount of money to Kansas, and allowed slave States to keep their slaves from deserting onto free States. (Doc. A) After a while, the number of fugitive slaves increased and it called for a new law. The Fugitive State Law led to a storm of opposition including the passage of personal liberty laws which were designed to hamper its enforcement. (Doc. B, D, F) The fugitive slave law turned out to be a major blunter on the part of the south while it awakened in the north a spirit of antagonism. To them this was a statute, which enacted the crime of kidnapping and it ordained disunion. (Doc. C, D) In 1853 the purchase from Mexico for $10 million gave south an advantage in the debate over the route for a transcontinental railroad, which was finally approved to pass by the organized territories of Kansas and Nebraska. But the question of slavery had yet to be answered in the Kansas-Nebraska territory. Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed that this issue be decided by popular sovereignty (but this violated the Missouri compromise of 1820). Kansas residents moved to free Nebraska and Nebraska residents moved to slave holding Kansas, but the transaction was followed by hostilities in many cases. Religious whites came in to fight and protest against slavery, cau ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Know When Its Time to Quit Your Job

How to Know When Its Time to Quit Your Job We’re all a little bit afraid of change. But we should be equally afraid of stagnating and losing sight of why we chose our career in the first place. Here are three signs it might be time for you to consider making a move out of your current position: You’ve Outgrown ItAdmitting this doesn’t make you too big for your britches; sometimes it’s the honest truth. You’ve learned a lot, but you find yourself wishing for more of a challenge. And you’ve run up against the highest rung of the ladder at your current organization. This might be a sign it’s time to put some feelers out- to see whether you might be able to find a position elsewhere that will let you keep growing and achieving more.You’ve Lost Your SparkleYou thought you were â€Å"doing what you love,† but you don’t love what you’re doing anymore. Maybe you even dread going to work. Live between vacations. Watch the clock. These are all good indications it’s time to get your passion and purpose back, and that might mean a new job.Work is†¦ WorkYou don’t get excited anymore about new projects. You’re anxious or tired or just plain grumpy when you’re at work. Maybe you have a lousy boss or a hostile coworker and it’s eating at you. Before work starts affecting your health- physical, mental, or both- figure out a way to make a change.It’s a hard step to take, but one that can be extremely rewarding- and much better than falling into an endless rut. Remember, work can be extremely satisfying when we’re doing something we believe in and that keeps us on our toes.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Conflict in China essays

Conflict in China essays Why did the centurys long dynastic rule end in china? China is one of the worlds most ancient nations with a recorded history that stretches back more than 4000 years. For centuries, China was ruled by dynasties of powerful emperors and had not had any contact with the western world. Over the centuries, China was able to develop and advanced civilisation, producing amazing inventions and remarkable works of art, Chinas single-minded independence, left it unable to deal with the European world. The Chinese emperors refused to allow any political, social, or economic change and China stood still. In the 18th century, European technology overtook Chinas, and the country was unable to resist the influence of the European traders landing on its shores. China was ruled by five dynasties from A.D. 581 1911, the last one being the Qing dynasty who put their own emperor a six-year-old boy on the throne. The emperors each had their won internal problems. Some were corrupt, extravagant, and like the Manchus, were warriors. They were mean and strict in their relations with their Chinese subjects. People became fed up with the emperors, taxes were too high, and some poor families even had to sell their own children to get money. The Europeans started to come and they brought with them new crops of tobacco and corn. However, there was an imbalance on trade. The Chinese were exploited for their tea, spices, raw silk, sugar, porcelain and jade, and in turn, could only purchase wool and spices from the Europeans. The Europeans did not want to trade in silver for Chinese goods, and opium was introduced. The British exploited the people by continuously supplying more and more opium. In 1839, China attempted to stop the trade and seized more than 20,000 chests of Indian opium and burned them. The British were angry and responded by blockading the port of Guangzhou and ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cardiac case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cardiac - Case Study Example n is experiencing cool, clammy skin and inspiratory crackles because of severe allergic reaction, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) anxiety, and low oxygen in the blood. These result from exhaustion of the heart, heart attack, artery blockage in the lungs, internal bleeding, pneumonia, dehydration, drug overdose causing heart function to reduce, and reduced blood pressure (Lee Linda, Bates, Pitt, & Walton, 2010). Question 3: The pain that Mr. Canton is experiencing is not significant because it is not one of the major causes of his condition. The pain in his wisdom tooth is resulting from other causes rather than myocardial infarction (WEBMD, 2015). Question 4: Mr. Canton vomits because his wall infarction is inferior. The inferior wall infarction is associated with gastrointestinal problems, particularly because of bradycardia. The inferior infarction results from cardiac sensory receptors, which mediate vasodepressor and cardioinhibitory responses, which are normally distributed to the left ventricle’s wall (Lee Linda, Bates, Pitt, & Walton, 2010). Question 5: Elevation of isoenzymes prevails in body cells having a notable concentration in liver, heart, kidney, muscle, and erythrocytes. Just as in the case of proteins that mark function of tissues, elevation of isoenzymes occurs after hypoxia is prolonged. It occurs after hypoxia is prolonged in various clinical situations, such as cardiorespiratory diseases, disorders of kidneys, liver, muscle, and lung, as well as malignancy (Krucik, 2012). Question 6: Myocardial infarction is a segmental necrosis of myocardial based in the endocardium. Areas where myocardial infarction occurs are subepicardial in the event of occlusion of small vessels, which come from coronary thrombi. For many patients, a disruptive coronary disease becomes evident at angiography. Infarction takes place where the occluded vessel is distributed. The occlusion of the left side of the coronary artery leads to major infarction of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Solving case study problems on operation management

Solving problems on operation management - Case Study Example To do this, Chatsworth Company applied some theories of interaction design (Dawes 2007). A theory that was used in this case study is the information foraging theory. This theory is based on assessment of cost and benefits with an aim of achieving the set goals. According to this theory, whatever is being sought during information search has to be clearly defined. Simon and his team visited various similar companies to see how they run their adventure playground. During browsing, which is basically information foraging, there is interaction with the source and the end goal is to see how the information acquired can help the current state of the company. Chatsworth even sought assistance from the managers of different companies with regard to the situation of the company. Information gathered from different sources was analyzed and used to evaluate which of the four options was the best to go with (Pirolli et al, 1999). Another theory evident in this case study is the activity theory. The theory suggests that minds are the product of how much people interact with others people and the experiences they gain in their everyday lives. This theory will help understand how the process of decision making can be done correctly. Chatsworth took the first initiate in identifying that there was really a problem. The adventure playground was consuming a lot of money compared to the profit; therefore, definitely something had to be done. The promotion and education manager had been involved in other decision making scenarios, but this one was different. As the theory suggests, it is through interaction with different people in our surrounding that we learn (Cooper 2007). Simon and his team first came up with four options: to remove the adventure playground, do nothing about it, substitute it with a similar one or replace it with a better one. After weighing these possibilities, the best one remained to replace it with an

Morris, note on sculpture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Morris, note on sculpture - Essay Example He was in the forefront of art movement in America which included process art and land art. His major works included â€Å"notes on sculpture†, anti-Form, creation of minimalist key exemplars like rectangular beams and cubes which had no figuration. I would characterize Morris’ status in art history as an influential art personality who changed the industry of art. This is due to his works that introduced indeterminacy and temporality in the field of art. According to Morris, (3), Morris defines the most fundamental components of sculpture as to include: mass which has to do with the bulk of the sculpture. This is important because it defines the sculpture’s edges the second one is space. This is that air around the given solid sculpture. It is important for linking separate sculpture parts and defines the sculpture edges. Additionally it can provide areas of emptiness in the sculpture when enclosed by a part of the very sculpture. Color, dimension, flatness and texture may also be some important elements of a sculpture including shape. Gestalt is a term used to refer to a pattern or configuration of elements that are unified as a whole. As such it implies some pattern. Morris used pyramids, cubes and polyhedrons that are regular to achieve this. He asserted that this forms when used can result in to one achieving a very strong sensation of Gestalt. Gestalt, thus he described to be patterns or even configurations that the whole is considered to produce greater significance that is better than when the parts are individually considered and are also different. Gestalt is generally the pattern brought by the whole and not an individual piece of the whole. Indeed Morris claims that sculptures exist in a situation and not as self-contained forms. This he asserts by arguing that sculptures communicate situations that the artist needed to depict (Morris, 17). As

Thursday, October 17, 2019

World economies (PHD level) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

World economies (PHD level) - Essay Example The economy had cheap money floating which was invested by the public. The borrowings were then invested in the stocks and securities in the domestic market as well as foreign markets directly opposite to the reason of borrowing. The banks and other institutions lent the money to be invested in land holding but instead it was invested in stock markets (The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis). According to the article ‘The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis,’ the Finance Ministry after realizing this increased the interest rates which caused the stock market to crash big time. The increase in interest rates caused the banks to go in large debt crisis due to huge bad debts. And even those official numbers dont capture the full size of the flood of cheap money. This was also due to the fact that the banks and other institutions were selling bonds in the foreign market with a low interest rate which when swapped into yen, reduced the cost of money to zero. The Japanese banking sector was in crisis and many banks were bailed by the government or the whole banking sector of Japan would have been destroyed. The name Lost Decade was given because the Japanese banks were in no position to lend more money or do capital investment due to huge amounts of bad debts. The economic situation in Japan is now not as bad as the Lost Decade when the economic expansion had just come to an abrupt stop. Unemployment had rose and is still an issue but it is not at a level of crisis like in the Lost Decade. It is argued by many economists that the economic situation in America is on the path of economic crisis like the Lost Decade in Japan. The Federal Reserve of The Fed of US is also lowering the discount rate. As a result of this the growth in the American economy is slowly crawling upwards, the savings are invested in the real-estate which does not make any contribution to the country’s savings and the stock market

Further discussion on last paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Further discussion on last paper - Essay Example Moreover, the aging population was increasing incredibly (Plichta and Laurel 34). The number of trained nurses was also decreasing. In addition, there was the lack of respect from the physicians, which contributed to the shortage. This data is trustworthy as it bases its research because of the evidences that researchers provide from studies they carry out. For instance, Suzanne Gordon notes that women in the nursing sector do not make much gain in their workplaces like their counterparts in other professions (Huston 44). This acts as another reason for the job the job dissatisfaction that nurses encounter at their places of work. Additionally, these researches argue that there was shorting-staffing and restructuring in many nursing organizations that drove many nurses away from the sector. This lead to job burnout and many nurses realized that they could not bear the increasing burnout and professional responsibilities at work. Moreover, there has been an increasing concern on the quality of the services that nurses provide. People link this problem to the nursing shortage (Huston 50). We can trust these findings since the researcher suggests solutions to the problem, which include encouraging people to join the nursing sector. Moreover, the US government encourages nursing schools to enroll more people into the sector so that they curb the problem. However, these researchers provide conflicting points on the nursing shortage. For instance, one research projects a shortage of nurses of 600000 in the US by the year 2020 (Plichta and Laurel 36). This means that the US will need to educate more than 1.5 million new nurses by the 2015, which would help alleviate the problem. This problem can be catastrophic on the nation’s ability to respond to an event with mass casualty. On the other hand, the American Hospital Association projects a shortage of nurses of 800000 by 2020, which

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

World economies (PHD level) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

World economies (PHD level) - Essay Example The economy had cheap money floating which was invested by the public. The borrowings were then invested in the stocks and securities in the domestic market as well as foreign markets directly opposite to the reason of borrowing. The banks and other institutions lent the money to be invested in land holding but instead it was invested in stock markets (The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis). According to the article ‘The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis,’ the Finance Ministry after realizing this increased the interest rates which caused the stock market to crash big time. The increase in interest rates caused the banks to go in large debt crisis due to huge bad debts. And even those official numbers dont capture the full size of the flood of cheap money. This was also due to the fact that the banks and other institutions were selling bonds in the foreign market with a low interest rate which when swapped into yen, reduced the cost of money to zero. The Japanese banking sector was in crisis and many banks were bailed by the government or the whole banking sector of Japan would have been destroyed. The name Lost Decade was given because the Japanese banks were in no position to lend more money or do capital investment due to huge amounts of bad debts. The economic situation in Japan is now not as bad as the Lost Decade when the economic expansion had just come to an abrupt stop. Unemployment had rose and is still an issue but it is not at a level of crisis like in the Lost Decade. It is argued by many economists that the economic situation in America is on the path of economic crisis like the Lost Decade in Japan. The Federal Reserve of The Fed of US is also lowering the discount rate. As a result of this the growth in the American economy is slowly crawling upwards, the savings are invested in the real-estate which does not make any contribution to the country’s savings and the stock market

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Genetically Engineered Crop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genetically Engineered Crop - Essay Example Although genetically modified food may be an effective answer to the growing demands of more food products for more people, especially in the poorest areas in the world, where food production is extremely rare, yet there are many dangers that are involved in genetically modified food. Proponents of genetically modified crops believe that this technology can provide an effective solution for the world food crisis. Experts indicate that the food crisis will persist in the world with greater sensitivity in poor countries. In the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the dramatic surge in food prices, driven by the globalization of the market economy on the one hand and the mismatch between population growth and low agricultural productivity on the other hand, suggest tomorrow even more catastrophic if nothing is done now to start a real structural development of sustainable agriculture and the economy as a whole. As such, many scientists believe that the solution for poor countr ies to get out of the food crisis and protect millions of people from starvation is inevitably the adoption of urgent large-scale genetically engineered crops (Council for Biotechnology Information). They will thus be able to master and apply them to the production of food products to feed the African people and not just the production of crops used for Western industrial economies. However, some scientists provide refutation for this claim. For example, Miguel A. Altieri and Peter Rosset argue that â€Å"recent experimental trials have shown that genetically engineered seeds do not increase the yield of crops† (Altieri and Rosset, p. 608). Thus, the strongest point in favor of genetically engineered crops, which is the role this technology can play in confronting food shortage, is challenged by many scientists. In trying to weigh the dangers of genetically engineered crops, it can be said that this technology is not a totally safe solution for the problem of food shortage. T here are numerous studies which show that this technology may have some dangerous impacts on the health of humans. Actually, the lack of adequate testing is one of the reasons why we cannot be sure that the technology of genes extraction can be safe. This lack of enough experiments is extremely dangerous, as it may turn out on the long run that genetically modified food may have detrimental effects on future generations. Thus, the lack of safety testing is one of the defects of the implementation of genetically modified food approach. Current testing focuses on the growth and development of crops, while there is less emphasis given to testing of the effects on the wider ecology of plants, and the associated effects of this new technology on human beings. Also, we cannot be yet sure of the long term effects of this technology on humans and environment. In addition, another threatening factor in the issue of genetically modified food is that the research about this new technology is c urrently handled by few huge corporations, whose main aim is to maximize their profits, disregarding the impacts on humans. As argued by Miguel A. Altieri

Cedar Point Amusement Park Essay Example for Free

Cedar Point Amusement Park Essay When I lived in Michigan, one of my fondest memories was going to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. We lived over 3 hours away so it was a perfect day trip. When we reached Cedar Point Road, Lake Eerie was to the right and along the horizon seventeen roller coasters stood high as sky scrapers. As we entered the park we were greeted by Snoopy and the Peanuts gang. The park was soon filled with children laughing, parents pushing strollers, and adrenaline junkies looking for the next thrill. As the aroma of sugar candy coated apples filled the air, we dashed to the snack shop for candied apples and cotton candy. We enjoyed our sugary treats on the Giant Wheel which is known as North Americas largest Ferries Wheel. Coming off the Giant Wheel we find ourselves entering Snoopy town, where Snoopy and the gang entertained the audience with music and dance. As the show ended, we decided it was time to ride some coasters. The first coaster we rode was the world’s fastest coaster the Top Thrill Dragster which slingshot us from 0 to 120 mph in less than 4 seconds and in 15 seconds we were spiraled up 420 feet and back down to the finish line. We soon found ourselves wet on Shoot the Rapids the wettest water coaster that took us up and splashed us down. It was refreshing as the temperature was rising. Now we were at the end of the park and to our amazement stood the world’s largest wooden roller coaster. Its handsome and elegant architecture was admirable to look at. Aboard this coaster we were rocketed through the hills and turns, just like life, full of ups and downs. Above all Cedar Point Amusement Park is fun for all ages. It clearly left me with a lifetime of memories, to return home to Maui and share with loved ones.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Treatments for Hair Loss

Treatments for Hair Loss Best Hair Treatment   There are many causes for hair fall ranging from male pattern hair loss to thyroid disease, Iron deficiency anaemia etc. Many causes are gender specific like Androgenic alopecia in males and female pattern hair loss seen usually in females. There has been ample research that shows that losing about 100-150 hairs per day is normal for an individual. That is the normal process of cyclical shedding of hair. The hair growth cycle can be divided into 3 phases viz. Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen Phase is characterized by active growth of the hair strands. Catagen phase is characterized by fairly short phase of hair break down. While in telogen phase the hair follicle is in resting state. The hair that are shed daily are ususally in the resting phase or in the late phase in the catagen. Hairs that are in telogen phase are not growing and are in the preparation for its shedding. In our scalp about 10% of the hair follicles are in telogen phase at any given time frame. There are many health condition like Thyroid disorders, iron deficiency anaemia etc can lead to severe hair loss as stated above, hence it is vital for us to undergo appropriate lab investigations for the same to exclude these or any other underlying disorders that might be triggering or causing severe hair loss. Now let us elaborate a little on the most commonly seen primary cause of hair fall i.e. Androgenic or Androgenetic Alopecia As the name suggests this type of hair fall is liked to hormone as well as genes. Therefore it has to do with hormonal as well as hereditary factors. This was first thought to be only present in males, as in case of males this type of hair loss is often faster, more extensive and has a relatively earlier onset as compared to females, but later research showed that it is seen in female as well as males. Till now the factor that triggers this type of hair loss is unknown. It seen the every male even though he does not go totally bald, has thinning of hair over time. Here unlike the hair that shed out regularly that are in telogen phase, there is no actually falling of hair seen but only eventual thinning oh hair observed as they no more come up!! Common Hair loss Myths – Busted !! It is commonly thought that people with longer hair has more hair loss as it leads to straining of the roots. This doesn’t happen. It is thought that people who wear hats have their hair choked off hence there is deficient circulation leading to hair loss. This is incorrect. It is also said that one inherits from mother’s male relatives. This is incorrect, as it is possible for one to inherit it from either side i.e. mother’s as well as father’s side. It is wrongly thought that hair loss is due to poor circulation of blood in the scalp and hence massaging will stop the hair fall. It doesn’t. The above was a brief on what is hair loss and its causes. Let us now outline various treatment modalities that may act as preventive or curative for hair loss. Having a hair wash every day with a mild and gentle shampoo. The way it is important to wash our face every day and clean our teeth every day the same way it is also important to wash our hair every day. As it helps in removing the dust, dirt and other pollutants from our hair and scalp making it less vulnerable to hair fall. So washing hair ever day causes more hair fall is one of the biggest myths. It is rather other way round i.e. not washing hair every day will cause more hair fall. This myth has become prevalent due to the fact that people tend to notice more hair falling while having hair wash, but what they don’t know is that these hairs were anyhow going to fall off with hair wash or without hair wash. Following a â€Å"Treat your hair well† practices: Though one of the most apparent things, it needs to be given attention because many of us unknowingly don’t follow them and adopt many unhealthy practices. Treating your hair with chemicals and so-called herbal products, which are meant to drastically change the way our hair looks (Perming, straightening, hot ironing etc.), are a big NO. Blow drying hair- What is does is that is dries out the moisture from the scalp and makes the hair dry, this leads to damaging of the hair follicles. Therefore it is advisable to always air dry your hair or if it is absolutely necessary to use the blow dryer then use it on lowest heat setting. Using hair styles that put a lot of stress or pull on the hair follicles like while making braids of tying hair tightly in a pony tails. Many a times what females do is that they tie their hair so tightly that there is enormous tug in the hair follicles making them to be pulled out from the roots. If this practice is continued for longer time it may lead to permanent hair loss from the sites at which these hairs experience the pulling the most. Combing or toweling it roughly when hairs are wet is a very commonly made error by most. What this does is that it stretches the hair strands and will lead to breakage. Following a healthy lifestyle: Healthy hair is the outward mirroring of a healthy body. So it is a good indicator of one’s general health condition. If hairs are shining and beautiful it indicates that the person is in good health and vice versa. Therefore to have healthy looking hair one has to do everything that is necessary to have a good healthy body which includes eating all types of fruits and vegetables regularly thereby supplementing a wide range of vitamins, and minerals like iron, calcium and zinc, one should also have a protein rich diet as hair are basically made of proteins. It is also important to hydrate our bodies with adequate amount of water. Oil is for food, not scalp. Oiling the scalp leads to seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff in the scalp. This leads to hair fall. So no matter what ever your granny says oiling your hair is not healthy for hair. If still one insists on oiling one’s hair it should be done just 45 minutes prior to hair wash, never should we oil our hair and let it stay overnight. Quick home remedies for hair health: Washing hair with a concoction of tea or lemon squeezed in the bathing water used for hair wash will help in getting rid of dandruff. Applying a paste of curd and egg onto that scalp and shampooing it after an hour, if done regularly, will make hair smoother and stronger. Treatment for androgenic alopecia: There are many treatment options available for hair loss but very few of them are scientifically proven and approved by FDA. These treatments help in slowing down the hair loss. Starting these treatments and thereafter stopping them will not leave you at a worse stage than what you were at when you started. Minoxidil: IT is a topical medicine. It helps in decreasing the hair fall, but doesn’t help in increasing the hair growth. It is available over the counter without the need for any prescription from the doctor. It can be used by both males as well as females. Its action is seen best over the crown area of the head. It’s less effective over the frontal area. It is available in the form of lotion, foam and mousse in 2%, 4% and extra-strength 5% solution. Finasteride: It is a medication belonging to 5-alpha reductase inhibitor class of drugs. It is approved by FDA to be used only in males with androgenic alopecia, but it is also used in females â€Å"off-label† who are suffering from androgenic hair loss, and who are not pregnant while on medication. It is available in the form of 1mg tablets. It helps in promoting hair growth and makes hair thicker in some people. But its main purpose is to maintain the hair that are still present on the scalp. The possible side effects include lowering of libido or impotence. Dutasteride: It is FDA approved medicine for treatment of enlarged prostate in men but it is used as â€Å"off-label† medication for treatment of hair loss in men. The action of dutasteride is very similar to finasteride. Recently there is research going on Prostaglandin analogues as topical applications for treatment of hair loss in both males and females. It has a scope for potentially acting as a hair regrowth agent, but till now it hasn’t received FDA approval for it use for treatment of hair loss. One of these newer medication is called by the name Bimatoprost. These are currently used for the purpose of eye lash enhancement. Other alternative treatment options available for hair loss: Hairpieces and hair weaving: It is one of the quickest and tried and test methods to add or enhance hair. It is a temporary method in which a mesh is applied on the patch of scalp which has hair. And over that natural human hair or artificial hair are attached to this by weaving them with the existing hair. The hair that are weaved are selected is such a way so as to match the color and texture of the hair that are existing. Over a period of time there may be oxidization, stretching or loosening of weaved hair. Hair fiber powders: These are used to cover up patches of hair which has undergone thinning. These powders are nothing but colored fibres that are powdered and are such that they attach easily to the existing hair when they are sprinkled on them. This results in a scalp having an appearance of one having fuller hair growth. Toppik is one of the leading manufacturers of these products and it can be ordered via internet portals. It is safe and is pretty cheap about $20-$40. Surgical hair restoration: This includes many versions of hair transplantation procedures like harnessing hair from back and then transplanting them in the front or it may include surgical procedures like scalp reduction where the bald areas are cut away and are stitched together. Over the years the procedures for hair transplantation has undergone major improvements. Of them the latest technology is harnessing of micrografts in which grafts containing only one to two hair follicles are removed from the donor sites and are successfully transplanted to the sites that has bald patches. It is a fairly expensive and time consuming affair. The cost depends on the number of grafts transplanted. The cost may go in the range of $1000 $20,000. Stem Cell Therapy for prevention of hair loss and regrowth of hair. This is one of the areas in which there is active on-going research. Like in other parts of the body hair follicles too have stem cells. The researchers are trying to activate the stem cells progenitor cell. By this the already present stem cells will become active and send chemical signals to the hair follicles nearby which might have become inactive due to aging process. This would ultimately lead to regeneration of healthy hair. PRP injection therapy for hair loss: PRP is nothing but Platelet Rich Plasma that is derived from patient’s own blood. PRP activates the follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells) thereby causing the hair follicles that have shrunken to become larger and healthier. This enhances the hair growth. Also there are lots of growth factors loaded in PRP so this promotes a rapid hair growth. This method can be applied for both male and female. It can be used for scalp and also over eyebrows in case of hypotrichosis of eyebrows. The treatment procedure requires about 80 minutes to complete Here what is done is, patient’s blood sample is collected and is then processed to extract PRP. This is then introduced in the scalp fully or in localized areas. QR 678 Hair Growth Factor injection treatment for hair loss. This growth factor was developed after a lot of research conducted by top medical centers. It is by far one of the latest treatments for hair loss in India. It is much advanced then PRP treatment and stem cell therapy treatment. This treatment was first reported as a cover story in Times of India newspaper in 2010.QR 678 consists of combination of 6 hair growth factors. They are known to stimulate a significant hair growth when injected in to the scalp. It is more advanced than stem cells therapy for hair fall because here QR 678 injection consists of targeted growth factors that are directly injected in the patches which has hair loss, whereas in case of stem cell therapy the stem cells are reactivated which in turn will lead to production of growth. Hence QR 678 therapy is more specific, selective and advanced. The treatment consists of about 8 sessions of injections of QR 678, each of these sessions are repeated after an interval of 4-6 weeks. There are no side effects to this tre atment. The approx. cost for each QR 678 injection sessions is about $100. The Indian patent is already been awarded, the global patent is still being awaited. Hair Cloning: This treatment modality is still at research stage. What this treatment will consist of is that your own hair will be cloned and there after more hair will be produced from the existing cloned hair by themselves, by the help of genetic engineering. So now to sum it up we can say that alopecia is a very much treatable condition and there are multiple temporary as well as permanent treatment options, both medical as well as surgical, available to us. Therefore it is not very early to say that with the constant advancement and research in this field, baldness will be the thing of the past.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Field Study At Alcoholics Anonymous Essay -- Research Alcoholism Drink

Field Study At Alcoholics Anonymous On Wednesday March 15 and 22 I attended meetings of the Serentiy Group, a local meeting group of Alcoholics Anonymous that were held at the Congregational Church in East Bridgewater. The meetings started around 8:00 pm and went until each member was given the opportunity to speak, or to share their feelings in some way. There was a total of 15 people present, including myself and my companion. The group was primarily made up of males, there was one female aside from my companion and I. The age of the group members was pretty much middle age (late 30s to 50s).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before attending the meeting I was very apprehensive about going, for many reasons. The main one was that I did not know what to expect. I was unsure of who was going to be there, if I would know anyone, or if anyone would know me. I felt as though I was going to be invading the privacy of those in attendance. Upon arrival at I felt very extremely uncomfortable for two reasons, the obvious age difference, and the male to female ratio. The uneasiness passed quickly as the members of the group welcomed us in, and made us feel as if we were a part of the group. I think that part of my initial nervousness was due to the fact that I did not know what to expect, I was unsure as to what a drunk would look like. Once I arrived I realized that they do not look any different than anyone else. My initial impression was that the meeting would be very depressing, a ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Freedom: the privilege for women to be just as capable as men. In 1848, the first women’s convention took place in New York, there was continues discussing about the rights that women had. For example, a popular topic was applying for a job. Most men thought that women weren’t capable of working in an office; they thought that women should stay home, look after the children, while cleaning the house. Little did men know how inconsiderate they were being, how successful women have been throughout time and how much of an impact they have made to the world. Women proved men that they can achieve anything in life if they work hard for it. A campaign for women was formed before the Civil War began; they tried forming an alliance to strike against women’s rights. In the 1919’s, women were given the advantage to vote amongst men; called the Nineteenth Amendment, their vote wouldn’t be refused. The Nineteenth Amendment was formed by Susan Anthony and accompanied with Elizabeth Stanton, established the amendment to the Senate which was passed by the congress July 4, 1919. Some women in the ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Crucible Play Character Analysis

Throughout The Crucible there are good characters, bad characters and the characters who do not take action when action is required. Of these characters, close to all of them embodies one of the seven deadly sins. Of each of the seven, there is always one character that is the worst sinner of that particular vice.There are seven deadly sins but out of the seven there are two in particular that drives this play the most. In control of these sins is Abigail Williams, a young vengeful girl who used to work for the Proctor before being fired for supposedly having an affair with John Proctor. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Abigail demonstrates envy and wrath in order to gain power over John Proctor. Ultimately, however, her intentions result in disastrous circumstances for both her and Proctor.In the play, Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth Proctor for having John Proctor as a husband and this is one of the main reasons she rains hell down on the city of Salem. Abigail’s envy gets the better of her, and throughout the whole play all, she wants is John by her side. Abigail goes to some extreme measure by plotting to kill Elizabeth and steal John for her own.In the beginning of the play, the girls are in the woods dancing, and Abigail drinks a vial of blood which is part of a ritual that Tituba is in charge of. This later leads the girls to worry that they may be in some major trouble; you can tell this when Betty says, â€Å"You drank blood, Abby! You didn't tell him that! You did, you did!You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!† (Miller 837). The reason Abigail drinks the blood is to complete the ritual to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Her plot to eliminate Elizabeth does not end there because she calls her a witch in court.In the play Abigail’s wrath is the thing that allows her to get away and out of trouble. Even though it’s her envy that drives her to do the things she does it is her wra th which allows her to get what she wants. Wrath is  vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger and when Abigail gets angry or upset she starts calling people witches.Abigail still works for her power over John by calling Elizabeth a witch to get rid of her and then have John all to herself. When Proctor asks for the transactions of the court and threatens to whip Mary, she proclaims while pointing at Elizabeth â€Å"I saved her life today!† (Miller 854) We know that it was Abigail who accused Elizabeth of being a witch because of the fact she wants John and drank a blood charm to kill her.Close to the End of the play her intentions for both her and Proctor result in disastrous circumstances because John ends up being accused of witchcraft because of the twist of fate from Elizabeth lying about why she really fired Abigail. In the end it’s John who decides his fate by not signing the confession because he wants to keep his name clean for his kids.John also g oes on to say â€Å"How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!† (Miller 886) This quote is one John’s last lines in the play meaning he dies for the sole purpose of his name. Abigail goes on to run away and become a prostitute, a fitting end for a whore.Abigail’s envy and wrath for John Proctor is ultimately a disastrous circumstance for both her and Proctor. In Abigail’s envy for John she ends up destroying the man she loves and raining hell on Salem. Abigail‘s wrath is also her passion, she loves tormenting people even the ones she loves.In the end everything is messed up, there is no order, no listening, no control, all because of Abigail and her deadly sins.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bretton Woods Institutions

The world war two had far reaching consequences on the social, economical, technological and political aspects of the main combatants. The worst hit nations included the European nations and Japan. Technological and economical systems of these nations either collapsed or were left in very poor states. There was an inordinate loss of life on a very large scale, additionally, the wanton destruction of property including industries, public and private property was previously unimaginable.As the war subsided, different parties were thinking of establishing a system that would facilitate the reconstruction of the affected economies in Europe and Japan. Indeed, even as the war continued, delegates representing several countries converged in Bretton woods New Hampshire (USA) in 1944 and established the Bretton Woods Agreement. These agreements were aimed at assisting in the reconstruction of the major economic systems ravaged by the war. The delegates signed the Bretton woods agreements in July 1945 and established the IMF, the World Bank and the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT).This paper examines the role of Bretton woods institutions in the reconstruction of the European and Asian economies following the end of World war two. The paper especially focuses on the objectives, the role, the achievement and the shortcomings of the World Bank in the post World war two period between 1945 and 1955. Aims and objectives of the World Bank The World Bank was formalized on December 27th 1945 when 28 of the member states ratified the Bretton woods agreement [Milward, A. S. (1984)].The main arm of the World Bank that was most active in the post world war two was the International Bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD). The core aims of the institution are set out on its inceptions were: †¢ To finance reconstruction projects in the countries ravaged by war. This was done through the provision of loans to these economies at very low rates of interest [Nic holas, C. and Toniolo, G. (1996)]. The loans were meant to facilitate reconstruction through investment activities that had high potential of generating income.Some of the areas to which loan money was channeled were the agriculture research and development, areas of human development such as education, health and recreation (Sports). Infrastructural development was also targeted to benefit from the loans since the war had brought most systems to their knees. Roads, railways, Airports, Seaports, Communication networks as well as Electrification networks were rebuilt through World Bank loans. In 1947 the World Bank extended $ 250,000,000 loan to France for reconstruction and this remains the biggest amount of loan extended to a single state [World Bank Webite-www.imf. org/archives]. †¢ To finance the rebuilding of industries in order to promote technological development among the European states and Japan. The post world war two period also provided numerous activities for indus trial growth and development of innovation culture that had been fueled by the war. Areas such as Air industry, weaponry industry, Communication industry as well as the Motor industries among others provided opportunities for investment and development [Axel, D. (2004)]. †¢ To seek ways of raising funds for development by issuing securities in the international financial markets.†¢ To promote private, local and foreign investment that was deemed worthwhile. This was done in collaboration with the particular state’s government as the guarantor of the loan. †¢ To give financial advisory services to member countries. The World Bank endeavored to give these financial services through provision of information and such in the areas of business development and finance [Hanson, J. L. (1972)]. †¢ To give grants as well as reviewing loan status of the member states. †¢ To give loans to fund specific projects.These were projects that were considered vital to the economies of member countries. †¢ To provide monitoring and evaluation services. The World bank indirectly sought to keep an eye on the progress made on the projects that it had founded to ensure that funds were not misappropriated or channeled to other projects not ear marked for funding [Hanson, J. L. (1972)]. The World Bank also took pains to evaluate the effects (economical and environmental) of the projects undertaken to ensure that they did not pose a threat to the people in the long run.Importance of the World Bank and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). When the World Bank became operational in 1946, it had about $10 billion at its disposal for the purpose of giving Developmental loans to war-torn European nations [Ellis, J. (1999)]. The World Bank played an important role in the dispensation of capital that facilitated a fast rate of economic recovery. The World Bank was charged with the responsibility of identifying projects that were vi tal to the particular economy and also to provide the necessary support financial or otherwise for their completion.The formation of the World Bank provided member countries with a channel to pool together resources that enabled them to make speedy progress [Winter, J. M. 1980]. Working closely with the IMF, the World Bank assisted member countries with balance of payment problems and this helped in preventing an economic fiasco similar to the one of the great depression of 1930s[Harold C. L. (2004]. In addition the World Bank was to operate as an independent institution that was managing its own finances as well as its own investment programs.This ensured that it had money to lend to its members and not have to turn to the subscribers for more money every now and then for money to give as loans. By giving money in form of grants, which was not expected back, the World Bank boosted the economies of the needy states hastening the rate of recovery. At the same time the World Bank emba rked on research projects that positioned it strategically in the provision of quality information and advice to guide decision-making. The International Monetary Fund. The International Monetary Fund was established together with the World Bank.Among the stated objectives of the IMF are to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate the expansion of international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, help in the achievement of a common stable and flexible exchange rate and reduce poverty [Lipsey, Richard, G. (1989)]. The IMF was established to help in dealing with the anticipated post World War 2 growth as well as enhancing the same. It came in handy in assisting to reduce imbalances in balance of payment. It also helped in the regulation of the asset reserves of member countries.In recent years the IMF has continued to play an important role especially in helping developing nations to reduce poverty among the population. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The Bretton woods strategists also created this. It was formed with the aim of eliminating the existing trade barriers that existed between member countries in order to pave way for a speedy economic integration [Pollard, R. A. 1985]. This was a noble idea but GATT never became an institution but remained a set of agreement the US never ratified.Over the years since the end of World War 2, there have been many GATT talks and resultant agreements called rounds. The most famous is the Uruguay round of 1986 known for its ambitions. It endeavored to increase the GATT reach to new levels. In 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced GATT. The WTO is a fully-fledged institution that performs the very purposes for which GATT or International Trade Organization (ITO) was originally designed to perform. European nations post war economic integrationThe Bretton woods agreements were designed to enhance the participation of the member coun tries in international trade through the removal of existing trade barriers [Grogin, R C. (2001)]. The escalation of technological advancement opened new opportunities in industrial developments and the loans offered allowed the member nations to take advantage of the arising opportunities. The allied nations were thus able to strengthen their collective economic dominance [Parillo, M. (2003)]. This was a goal that had been envisioned by the US even before the end of the war [Goldsmith, R.W. (1946)]. Critics of the US have argued that these self-serving motives were the driving force behind the US commitment in helping the European nations. Nevertheless the effects were increased economic integration of the western European economies. The Marshal plan This plan was by a large extent the brainchild of the US state department secretary George Marshall [Charles L. M. (1984)]. It was devised as a ploy to strengthen the allied nations and by extension strengthen the US standing in relati on to the communist force [Hogan, M. J. (1987)].Marshall plan became operational in1947 and was very successful in the four years it was in operation. Through this program $13 billion was dispensed to assist in the economic recovery of several European nations. The U. K, France, Netherlands, Italy and Germany received some of the largest amounts. These economies responded positively such that in less than seven years after the war, the economies were booming [Hardley, A. (1972)]. The Marshall plan contributed in economic integration because it eliminated some previously existing trade barriers [Harrison, M. (1988)]. Role of multilateral institutions in Post war Europe.Keen to prevent any further/future conflict of the World War 2 magnitude, the US oversaw the formation of the United Nations (UN) IN 1945. The other institution formed was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The United Nations was very active in post war period and among the first major contribution was the establishment of the Nation of Israel following the Jewish holocaust [Wallich, Henry Christopher (1955)] Additionally the United Nations was also active in providing humanitarian aid to refugees and all those affected by the war. Many historians associate the role of the United Nation with the speedy economic recovery.Critique Some scholars have criticized the world for being a western tool. By this they imply that World Bank employs economic policies that work in favour of the western countries. The Bank advocates for a free market economy this would mean that economies are fully liberalized. This has the potential of devastating weak economies and give advantage to the strong ones. Other weaknesses include lack of inflexibility in giving loans, delay in intervention usually with negative ramifications and Interference with the sovereignty of some member countries especially the poor nations.Conclusion The Bretton woods institutions played an important role in the reconstruction of the European nations after the world war two. The rate of the economic recovery that was experienced by these nations, would have been impossible to achieve without the intervention of organized an institution to provide support as well as checks and balances that were necessary in the achievement of this growth. Additionally the formation of the Bretton woods institutions allowed these nations to participate fully in the utilization of the opportunities that the existed in the post war period.This resulted in the economic boom, especially in the Western Europe between 1950 and 1970 that saw these nations recapturing lost glory and joining the mainstream economies as important players. However critics like professor Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, argue that the World Bank is fulfilling its aims of alleviating poverty and promoting development- but are helping rich nations and individuals get richer, and making it impossible for poor nations ever to pay o ff their debts. Others have held to the argument that the commitment displayed by the U. S.A was just a facade that was meant to mask the real intentions of domineering US ambitions. This might have been true but it does not negate the benefits that were achieved. The multilateral institutions that were mostly founded in the 1940s played a significant role in brokering peace as well as ensuring that systems were in place that would allow for peaceful co-existence between nations . The world Bank continues to play a key role especially in assisting developing nations in areas of governance as well as in offering financial support required to enable them to achieve sustainable development.It is therefore important that the institution continue to adapt to the times in order to remain relevant to the changing needs of these nations. The Weaknesses must be turned to strength if the institution is to maintain the reputation it currently enjoys. References Axel, D. (2004), The Influence o f IMF Programs on the Re-election of Debtor Governments, Economics & Politics 16, 1: 53-75 Charles L. M. (1984). The Marshall Plan: The Launching of the Pax Americana. New York: Simon and Schuster. Pp 3,5,7-8. Ellis, J.(1999). Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War Goldsmith, R. W. (1946), â€Å"The Power of Victory: Munitions Output in World War II† Military Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 1. pp. 69-80; Grogin, R C. (2001) Natural Enemies: The United States and the Soviet Union in the Cold War, 1917-1991. Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books. Hanson, J. L. (1972). A Textbook of Economics. Macdonald and Evans Ltd, London. 6th Ed pg 501 Harold C. L. (2004). Military Medicine† in Walter Yust edition. 10 Eventful Years Harrison, M.(1988) â€Å"Resource Mobilization for World War II: The U. S. A. , UK, U. S. S. R. , and Germany, 1938-1945† in The Economic History Review, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 171-192 Hogan, M. J. (1987). The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, an d the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. John Maynard Keynes in his speech at the closing plenary session of the Bretton Woods Conference in Donald Moggeridge (ed. ), The Mason, Edward S. ; Asher, Robert E. (1973). The World Bank Since Bretton Woods.Washington, D. C. : The Brookings Institution, 105-107, 124-135. Lipsey, Richard, G. (1989). An Introduction to Positive Economics. English Language Book Society, 7th ed. Pp 7255. Milward, A. S. (1984). The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51. London: Methuen. Marshall, G. (1947) â€Å"Against Hunger, Poverty, Desperation and Chaos† at a Harvard. (Can be read from http://www. foreignaffairs. org/19970501faessay76399- p0/george-c-marshall-The speech. ) Nicholas, C. and Toniolo, G. (1996). Economic Growth in Europe Since 1945.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp 3-5 Parillo, M. (2003), â€Å"The Pacific War† in Richard Jensen et al, eds. Trans-Pacific Relations: Amer ica,Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century pp. 78-117. Pollard, R. A. (1985). Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold war, 1945-1950 (New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 8. Wallich, Henry Christopher (1955). Mainsprings of the German Revival. New Haven: Yale University Press,. Pp 123-267 Winter, J. M. â€Å"Demography of the War†, in Dear and Foot, ed. , Oxf Bretton Woods Institutions The Second World War featured a host of nations battling all around the world for supremacy; it was believed that the victor would have the privilege to shape the future of the world and so it seems. The Allies finally emerged victors in 1945; among them were the powers of today, U. S. A. , China, France, U. K, and Russia. Behind them was a host of other States that had show support during the difficult times. In 1945 the Allies had met in Bretton Woods U. S.A and came up with strategies that would ensure that he mistakes that had been made over the years would be avoided; it was in this conference that the Bretton Woods Institutions were formed. Among them were the International Bank for reconstruction and Development (IBRD) today known as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The two were formed after a number of states ratified and agreed to the rules as stipulated in the agreement at Bretton Woods (Veseth 2002).The main role of these institutions was to ensure that the mistakes of the past were not repeated; they were to ensure that the trade among nations would flow freely, to stabilize the world’s financial system, and to encourage international investments (Lechner 2009). In other words these institutions were to assist in the reconstruction and development of Europe after the war; many of its signatory members were European States. It was therefore a Western Idea for the Development of capitalist oriented economies.This paper will look at the success of these institutions decades later. Today the two institutions are still there; working towards the development of economies. After their formation the two institutions successfully managed to rejuvenate the European Economy. Europe then went a head and through a series of agreements, starting with the integration within the coal and steel industries, formed the European Commission and later on the European Union was formed. It seeks to establish a common Europe; with a common currency , constitution, economy to mention a few (Veseth 2002).It is therefore correct to say that the Bretton Woods system was successful within Europe as it succeeded jump starting the economies and later on the same economies merged to form a single unit; looking at the objectives, there will always be free flowing trade within EU, by using a single currency to trade within Europe means that the exchange rate is stable thus enabling the Euro to function any where in Europe and finally as it is evident for quit some time the economies of Europe along side those of the world have been stable.To add to this there has been significant growth for quite some time. It is therefore true to say that the strategy worked (Mansbach & Rhodes 2009 and Spielvogel 2008). The system was also tried within the African economic landscape with different results; the opposite happened as economies that were once growing with high rates slumped down. It was indeed a western idea for a western economy. Some may argue that the strategy worked in Europe because it was created for that purpose.Unfortunately after the Second World War, the world was once again divided, this time along ideological lines; Capitalism versus Socialism. On e advocated for a market oriented economy while the other called for a strong state control to prevent the exigencies of the very same market. Europe was also divided along the same lines. Eventually Capitalists emerged victorious in 1989. This cemented the role of the dollar within the global Economy. The U. S. A dominated the Global economic scene; just as they intended soon after the formation of the Institutions.This has worked for years; the dollar has managed to give confidence and earn respect of economies in the world for quite some time. The dollar for quite some time was the only universally accepted exchange rate, it was the standard. Unfortunately this was also the mistake the system had (Spielvogel 2008). Over dependence on the dollar was not the ke y idea behind the founders of the system. I believe it was imposed to ensure the dominance of the U. S. A in the global system; they are the most powerful and everybody wanted to be allied to the West.This over reliance has over the years made the system shaky; the objectives were to ensure the stability of the global financial system. Unfortunately this was to be proven other wise with the occurrence of a second major global financial crisis; characterized by a weakened dollar and therefore instability within the financial system, a reminder of what happened when the system was over reliant on gold back in the 1920s and 1930s. This is therefore a proof that the Bretton Woods institutions are long over due for an update (Lechner 2009 and Veseth 2002).In conclusion, the Bretton Woods system was a great idea for the unification of the Global financial system; it has successfully seen the world united through globalization. The whole system is now interconnected and economies are depen dent. It has also seen the development of Europe successfully to what is seen today; the European Union. Unfortunately it has failed to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated; the recent financial crisis was a repeat of the Great depression that lasted for almost a decade between 1929 to late 1930s.Therefore the strategy was a good idea but it needed the input of all economies and therefore interdependence among states and economies. Reference: Lechner Frank J. (2009). Globalization: The Making of a World Society. Chichester U. K; Malden MA: Willey-Blackwell. Mansbach R, W & Rhodes E, J. (2009). Global Politics in a Changing World: A Reader. 4th Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Spielvogel Jackson J. (2008). Western Civilization Alternate Volume: Since 1300. Wadsworth Pub Co. Veseth Michael (Ed). (2002). The Rise of Global Economy. London: Fitzroy DearBorn Publishers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Greatest potential for impact by 2030 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greatest potential for impact by 2030 - Essay Example This seems to conflict with the general idea that water is abundant and natural. After all, it falls from the skies, fills lakes, floods rivers, and runs in underground currents. However, accessing all of these sources of water and, more importantly, treating it is a difficult process, even in developed countries like the United States. Standing at the core of civilization, the use of water can be either an aid or a curse for developing countries. As water becomes scarcer, as it is projected to be, with the projected coming of global climate change and a larger population, water treatment will have to respond to the needs of a human population growing beyond its means. Of the coming environmental challenges facing the world, perhaps a water shortage is the most extreme. The possibility of a worldwide water shortage is inextricably linked to other global catastrophes and the economic effects of those natural events. Stress on water supplies is already occurring, between household uses in growing populations worldwide, rapid urbanization, and expansion of business activities in developing countries. All of these factors contribute to a lessening of supply of water, as the demand continues to increase (Shiklomanov). In fact, the demand for water in developing countries increased linearly from 30 percent in 1970 to 80% in 2000 (Chartres and Varma). Growth in Middle East populations is particularly concerning, given the natural lack of water in desert regions. This has led some experts to say, â€Å"The next war in the Middle East will be fought over water, not politics† (Nicol). Of the 3 percent of water on Earth that is fresh (that is, not saline), 70 percent of it is tied up into icecaps and glaciers that gravitate toward the North and South Poles, and therefore remains inaccessible for most humans (USGS). The remaining 30 percent of that fresh water is the water that is accessible, either through a process of merely collecting or welling. A majority of th e water collected, nearly 70 percent is used for agricultural uses (Shiklomanov). In order to produce food for a growing population, water is necessary. A significant amount of the runoff from agricultural is unusable, due to increases in the use of herbicides, pesticides, and other toxins. Tying up water into these resources is a delicate balance between supplying one necessary resource and supplying another, which lends credibility to the thought that humans are outgrowing the earth’s carrying capacity. An additional 22 percent of water sources worldwide are devoted to industrial uses, which again creates an unusable runoff (Shiklomanov). A common use of water, however, is in hydroelectric power plants that help provide electricity to both developed and developing countries. A widely touted solution to water scarcity, or coming water crises, is an extensive infrastructure for sewage treatment that removes contaminants from water sources. Although investment in sewage treatm ent facilities is either low or nonexistent in developing countries, it is a viable tool for reusing water continuously for the same purpose (Frederiksen). In an agricultural area, for instance, water can be collected in irrigation channels, moved from the farming area into a treatment plant, then pumped into the water supplies of the farmers. Such a system has been successful so far in Singapore, which has invested considerable amounts of resources into creating sustainable water systems (Tortajada). Ultimately, sewage

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Questions for American Business History Questions Essay

Questions for American Business History Questions - Essay Example Each one of these steps required imagination and inventiveness. The application of the steam engine as a power source demanded that inventors create new machines that could utilize the improved power and speed of the mechanization. In essence, the world was changing from a set of manual tools over to a system that was powered. Harvesting wheat became a mechanized process of cutting, raking, reaping, and separating the wheat from the chafe. This required a number of machines, and they all required new inventions. The most important technological development that was introduced during the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. The steam engine made the entire manufacturing process more compact, faster, and far more efficient than the use of manual labor. Within a few decades of the introduction of the steam engine, the textile industry was transformed from a cottage industry into a large-scale factory operation (Mathias, 2001, p.115). According to Stearns (1998), "the industrial revolution progressively replaced humans and animals as the power sources of production with motors" and "steadily increased the proportion of the process accomplished by equipment without direct human guidance" (p.5). The steam engine could be adapted to almost any other machine that had previously depended on human, animal, or water power.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Persuasive Speech Assignment on seat belt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuasive Speech Assignment on seat belt - Essay Example I also referred to my speaker notes occasionally and glance at the presentation regularly to ensure that I was presenting the right content for each slide. So as to make the presentation more interesting, I ensured that I gesticulated. I also made use of my other body parts in application of whatever I have previously learnt about non-verbal communication. One of the things that make the audience get bored during a presentation is monotony. However good the content of the presentation may be, the audience will be distracted by a monotonous voice. In order to ensure that my presentation overcame monotony, I varied my tone and volume. My presentation was well organized. Each slide was not overcrowded with words. Also, each slide was dedicated to a subtopic. Essentially, this was done to ensure that my presentation and speech was well organized and flowed seamlessly. I believe that my presentation was a great

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Leadership traits behaviors and styles Assignment

Leadership traits behaviors and styles - Assignment Example However, of significance to the study is Marchionne’s tenure as CEO of Chrysler, an automobile company based in the United States. Marchionne took over as CEO in 2009 replacing Robert Nardelli, at a time when Chrysler faced huge financial constraints. The fact that he had turned Fiat, an Italian based automobile company into a profitable organization, made him the ideal candidate for the job. Marchionne managed to repay Chrysler’s loans to the government six years in advance and re-built Chrysler as a profitable automobile empire within a very short time (Wernle, 2010). Explored in this essay includes Marchionne’s leadership and personality traits, behavior orientation, and leadership style. The Five Factor Model (FFM) outlines five personality dimensions, which include Neurotism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion and Openness (OCEAN). Within each dimension are primary factors, which describe in detail individual qualities. Personality psychologists such as Eynseck infer that an individual’s personality encompasses a combination of both dispositional and situational factors. Dispositional factors account for internal factors such as temperance and cognitive and genetic predispositions among others. Conversely, situational factors account for external factors predisposed by the environment such as media, family and peers among others. The analysis of personality dimensions proposed by the FFM enables one to analyze an individual in a holistic manner without the overlapping of qualities, which are specific to each dimension. As such, a person either falls on one end of the high-low continuum of each dimension. Sergio Marchionne is high in conscientiousness, low in neuroticism, high in openness to experience, moderate in extraversion, and low in agreeableness. Conscientiousness encompasses an individual’s inclination towards being involved and dependable. As a CEO,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Defining Economic Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Defining Economic Justice - Essay Example This includes streamlining of the social order so that every person can access the basic means of existence and that means to improve the situation. It is a central ground between capitalism and communism economic principles, which allow private enterprises to earn a profit while ensuring that everyone remains above poverty line. Paul Heyne was a lecturer of economics who advocated his interests in religion, social issues, justice, and free markets economies. In his ideology, Paul Heyne incorporated joblessness, deficiency, incomes, unsafe jobs, globalization, the rich getting richer while the poor getting poorer, excises,  inadequate public schools, lack of health care, the right to form a union  as the basic guidelines to define economic justice. His main aim is to ensure that everyone remains above poverty line and harmonizes the gap between the rich and the poor. The slogan, â€Å"Production for people, not for profits† goes in line with the ideologies of Paul Theodore Heyne. He claims that economic justice involves the synchronization and balance between input and output. However, three principles contrast with his dogmas of economic justice. These principles are contribution, dispersal, and synchronization. The principle of contribution that was put forth describes how one makes input to the economic process so that they can make a living. The standard advocates for impartial opportunities in the process of gaining access to private property in productive assets as well as parity of opportunity in to engage in fecund work. Paul Heyne thought that the use of his principle would, help bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots’. However, this idea is wrong in that it promotes dependency on those people who work. By using this principle, it means that the individuals’ properties would be divided among the people who have an interest. His ideology advocated for equal results on the output even though the people claiming did no t themselves participate in producing the output. Secondly, Paul Heyne’s creed of economic justice goes against the distributive principle that exists because of the capitalist approach used. This approach requires that the output of an economic system to be shared according to labor and or capital contribution. The distributive justice that we use in the capitalist approach is directly linked to the distributive approach. This is because the distributive approach is like a rewarding mechanism that aims at rewarding every person according to his labor or capital contribution. Conflicting to this approach, Paul Heyne creed was wrong since it aims at rewarding all the society members even though they did not participate in the output creation. His ideology of economic justice may confuse the distributive philosophy in that Paul Heyne’s principle is like a charity work unlike the distributive principle, which is more of a reward mechanism that rewards effort put in an eco nomic system to gain a certain output. Likewise, I do not agree with Paul Heyne’s idea that a free and open market place with the exclusion of the government is the most objective and democratic means for determining the right price, right wages, and the right profits. Paul Heyne ideologies eliminate the government in decision-making. This is very wrong in that the government is a