Sunday, December 29, 2019

Qué es Alien Registration Number y dónde encontrarlo

El Alien Registration Number es un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n asignado por una agencia o autoridad de Estados Unidos a un extranjero presente en el paà ­s. El Alien Registration Number, que tambià ©n se conoce como  A Number, A #  e incluso  green card number  està ¡ conformado por la letra A seguido siete, ocho o nueve dà ­gitos. Una vez que un nà ºmero ha sido asignado a una persona, à ©ste no cambia, es decir, siempre es el mismo. Quià ©nes tienen un Alien Registration Number Los extranjeros  que se encuentran en Estados Unidos pueden tener un Alien Registration Number, pero no todos lo tienen. En realidad, solamente los que se encajan en una de las cuatro  categorà ­as siguientes: En primer lugar, los residentes permanentes legales, es decir los que tienen una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como greencard. En segundo lugar, los extranjeros en proceso de ajuste de estatus. En tercer lugar, los extranjeros que tienen un permiso de trabajo por razones distintas a un ajuste de estatus. Y, finalmente y en cuarto lugar, los migrantes que sin pertenecer a ninguna de las tres categorà ­as anteriores  tienen o han tenido algà ºn tipo de procedimiento abierto en una corte migratoria. Por ejemplo, el caso de indocumentados en un proceso de deportacià ³n o un solicitante de asilo en fase defensiva, etc. Cabe destacar que si se està ¡ en Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante, como la de turista, estudiante, etc. no se tiene un Alien Registration Number, a menos que se haya abierto un procedimiento en corte migratoria o està © en tramitacià ³n para ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, los indocumentados que no han tenido ningà ºn tipo de contacto con las autoridades migratorias tampoco lo tienen. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que es posible solicitar a USCIS que notifique cuà ¡l es el Alien Number de una persona que sabe que lo tiene pero no es capaz de encontrar ningà ºn documento en el que figura y no lo recuerda de memoria. Para estos casos se puede pedir una FOIA mediante el formulario G-639. Tambià ©n es posible solicitar el rà ©cord migratorio a una corte. Dà ³nde un migrante puede verificar cuà ¡l es su alien registration number Este nà ºmero se puede encontrar en la tarjeta de residencia green card. Los migrantes que ingresaron a EE.UU. con una visa de inmigrante pueden encontrarlo en dicha visa, con el nombre de registration number. Asimismo, puede encontrarse en la carta del USCIS en la que se notifica la aprobacià ³n de la solicitud de ajuste de estatus o en la tarjeta de un permiso de trabajo. Los migrantes que tienen o han tenido un trà ¡mite ante la corte migratoria pueden encontrar el nà ºmero de alien en la apertura del expediente. Para quà © se utiliza el alien number El alien number es necesario para completar  formularios  de todo tipo, pero especialmente los migratorios, aunque tiene mà ¡s finalidades. Si al llenar una planilla piden un A# de nueve dà ­gitos pero se tiene un alien number de solamente siete u ocho debe aà ±adirse un 0 (cero) o dos ceros a la izquierda del nà ºmero para asà ­ tener un nà ºmero de nueve cifras. Es necesario el nà ºmero de alien, por ejemplo, cuando un residente permanente reclama la tarjeta de residencia para su cà ³nyuge o hijo se le pide su nà ºmero de extranjero. Tambià ©n es necesario para pedir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, solicitar el Nà ºmero del Seguro Social o al completar el formulario I-9 al iniciar un trabajo en una empresa. Tambià ©n se utiliza para declarar y pagar  impuestos  e incluso para solicitar  becas  federales mediante la Aplicacià ³n Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) para quienes puede aplicar desde el punto de vista migratorio y financiero. Tambià ©n se utiliza para comprobar el derecho a ciertos beneficios sociales, como cupones de alimentos o Medicaid. Otro ejemplo para el que se utiliza el A# es para buscar a personas que se cree que han sido detenidas por Inmigracià ³n. El sistema para localizarlas digitalmente creado por el gobierno pide que se introduzca ese nà ºmero, si se tiene uno y se conoce. Por esta razà ³n, si se tiene ese nà ºmero es importante comunicarlo a un familiar cercano o a un amigo confianza porque puede ser muy à ºtil que otra persona lo tenga a la hora de localizar a migrante que ha sido detenido. Tambià ©n se puede utilizar el Alien Registration Number para que un migrante pueda saber si tiene una orden de deportacià ³n en su contra dictada en ausencia. Si existe una duda razonable de que un migrante tiene ese tipo de orden es importante que se informe ya que de ser detenido podrà ­a ser deportado inmediatamente sin pasar por corte migratoria. Quà © hacer si un formulario pregunta el Alien Registration Number y no se tiene Si una planilla pregunta por el nà ºmero de alien y no se tiene se debe dejar el espacio correspondiente en blanco, escribir NONE o N/A. Un ejemplo son los formularios para solicitar los papeles a un familiar en el punto en el que preguntan por el A-number de la persona pedida, si à ©sta no hay tenido jamà ¡s uno. Lo que nunca se aconseja es escribir un nà ºmero falso, inventado o que corresponda a otra persona ya que eso es un fraude de ley y puede tener en el futuro consecuencias migratorias muy negativas. En ocasiones, serà ¡ posible utilizar como nà ºmero de identificacià ³n el del Seguro Social o incluso el ITIN. Pero hay que asegurarse de que es posible. En muchos casos no se admite la sustitucià ³n de un nà ºmero por los otros ya que el nà ºmero del Social o del ITIN no indican, por sà ­ solos, estatus migratorio legal.   Evitar confusiones con el Alien Registration Number No se debe confundir el Alien Registration  Number con el nà ºmero de Seguridad Social. El SS# consta de nueve dà ­gitos y es emitido por la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social a los ciudadanos estadounidenses, residentes permanentes legales y a ciertas categorà ­as de extranjeros con visas que permiten solicitar autorizaciones para trabajar. Tampoco confundirlo con el nà ºmero del I-94, registro de entrada y salida de Estados Unidos y que es el nà ºmero que se pide para completar algunos formularios migratorios, como por ejemplo, pedir extensià ³n o cambio de visa, solicitar ajuste de estatus, etc. Puntos Clave: Alien Registration Number El Alien Registration Number es un nà ºmero de 7,8 o 9 dà ­gitos que sirve para identificar a extranjeros en EE.UU. Es siempre el mismo, nunca cambia.No todos los extranjeros tienen un Alien Registration Number. Sà ­ lo tienen: residentes permanentes, personas con ajuste de estatus aprobado, extranjeros con permiso de trabajo y migrantes que han tenido o tienen un expediente en corte migratoria.Llenando el formulario G-639 es posible pedir a USCIS que notifique el nà ºmero de alien de una persona que sabe que lo ha tenido pero no lo recuerda ni guarda ningà ºn documento en el que conste. Tambià ©n se puede pedir una FOIA a una corte migratoria.Llenar un formulario utilizando un alien registration number falso o de otra persona es un fraude de ley. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a migratoria legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Work Place Ethical Dilemma - 1177 Words

Over the past decade, the family presence during resuscitation has been an increased controversial issue. Although, there are many professional organizations support the notion of family presence, the controversy still continues. Many family members were asked to leave the bedside of their loved one during resuscitation. Parents are often separated from their kids during medical emergencies. The reason behind this can be the existing fear that the family members may interfere with resuscitation efforts or it will traumatize them psychologically. A moral conflict exists because of the existence of two opposing obligations. The obligation to the family members who wants to be present with their loved ones during medical emergencies†¦show more content†¦The ethical problem of whether to allow the family during medical emergencies occurs because there is not written guidelines in many facilities about how to handle the family members during resuscitation. A written policy can he lp the health care providers to follow that and allow limited number of immediate family members to stay at the bedside. There should be also a supportive staff member assigned for the family members to explain them about what is being done and what can be the consequences. Health care staff should be educated about the written policies and guidelines on family presence to meet the needs of the patients and families. Education should include possible obstacles to family presence and potential benefits. Presence of combative or emotionally unstable family members should not be allowed during resuscitation. Family members should be able to sense that everything possible was done to revive the patient. Since this ethical issue of allowing family members to stay during resuscitation can cause so many problems between the health care staff and patient’s family, care should be taken to involve the family directly or indirectly during resuscitation. It would be a good idea to talk t o family members about their wish to be present or not present during emergencies. If the family members wish to be present, then one or two should be allowed to be present during resuscitation. If the family members do not want to beShow MoreRelatedEthics Game Reflective Journal1042 Words   |  5 PagesJournal Ethical dilemmas surface daily in professional nursing practice. Whether you work in acute care, long-term care, hospice care, ambulatory care, managed care, or public health care chances are you will be responsible for making decisions in a situation of ethical concern. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Idea and City Council Free Essays

Everest University Abstract It’s very important for commissioners and city councils to understand the importance of forensics. When the commissioners and city council understand forensics they will have a clear idea of what the cost and what it takes for the forensic team. Having an idea and understanding gives you knowledge of the forensics. We will write a custom essay sample on Idea and City Council or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s very important that commissioners and city council member to appreciate the value and the hard work of a forensic team. It is very important for the city council and commissioners to understand and appreciate the value of forensic evidence because all funds have to be approved by elected officials and they have to provide oversight for LEO to help prevent violations of funds. Forensic processing and evaluations can be costly and failure to conduct a timely use can lead to a law suit against the city and county. Neither city nor the commissioner wants a law suit against them. Forensics is very important for the commissioner, city council and other people that’s have something to do with running a town to appreciate and understand the value of it. Forensic gives an insight on someone innocent or to prove them guilty and the commissioners should be appreciative of that. Communication between all those that are not involved with the forensic but have some say so in the money funds should communicate with each other very well so that way the city council and the commissioners will know exactly how the funds are being spent and that it’s to prove someone innocent or guilty. An uncoordinated approach can lead to misunderstanding on either end. I don’t think the city commissioners are involved in the knowing of crimes as much as they should be but they do make decisions on the funds and I think they do appreciate the value of forensic evidence. They just can’t be there on the scene and do hands on but they do appreciate it I think. References Article: Mabelle Dec. 9 (2009) Article: May, 29 (2010) www. mycriminaljusticecareers. com www. bls. gov How to cite Idea and City Council, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Question: Write about Nano toxicology including these mechanisms of toxicity Nanomaterial Uptake, Translocation, and Intracellular? Answer: Nanotoxicology is a branch of toxicology/nanotechnology that deals with the study of adverse effects or toxicity of nanomaterials. The term Nanotoxicology was proposed by Donaldson to address the problems likely to be caused by nanoparticles. It includes the study of interactions of nanoparticles with biological systems (cells, fluids and tissues) at nanoscale level (Gallud Fadeel, 2015, 143). On the basis of this interaction, a relationship between physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles can be established which further leads to the induction of toxicological responses. Thus, nanotoxicology helps to understand and assess the possible health risks which are associated with the use of nanoparticles. It has been reported that there are several factors that contribute to toxicological side effects of nanoparticles or nanotoxicity such as the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles, nano particle size, large surface area, flexible structure and chemical composition as well as the shape (Khanna et al., 2015, 1165). Hence, it is important that nanoparticles are evaluated for their toxicity so as to determine whether and to what extent are they posing a threat to human beings and environment. Nanoparticle-associated toxicities results due to changes in the structural and physicochemical properties which leads to changes in biological activities and includes Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation, inflammatory response, oxidative stress, changes in cell signalling and cell function, genetic damage and apoptosis/or necrosis (cell death). The molecular mechanisms behind the toxicity of nanoparticles can be explained as: The uptake of nanomaterials by human beings can occur through several routes such as via respiratory system, circulatory system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, dermal routes and others (inhalation, oral ingestion, injection). For instance, oral ingestion of nanoparticles can lead to their translocation to the central nervous system and hence, these nanoparticles can further accumulate in the brain and can disrupt the normal metabolism ultimately leading to brain toxicity and brain damage. Also, use of cosmetic products that contains nanoparticles for example, sunscreens can lead to dermal exposure and entry of nanoparticles and their further intracellular distribution as well as accumulation in various organs (Khanna et al., 2015, 1166). Nanomaterials can also lead to oxidative stress through production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and is one of the major causes of nanotoxicity. The induction of Reactive oxygen species by nanomaterials is primarily due to the pre sence of pro-oxidant functional groups on the surface of nanoparticles and due to the interaction between the cell and nanoparticles. The generation of Reactive oxygen species in excess can cause cell damage, DNA damage, chromosomal fragmentation, breakage in DNA strand and genetic mutations (Manke et al., 2013, 7). The induction of ROS response immediately results in activation and initiation of pro-inflammatory responses as well as multiple signalling cascades such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K) pathways, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways also gets activated. Activation of these pathways leads to the transcription and expression of number of pro-inflammatory genes. Such inflammatory responses further lead to the decrease in the membrane potential of mitochondria and can even lead to the destruction of mitochondria sometimes. Increased levels of lipid peroxide are also observed along with decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities. This alters the normal cell fu nctioning and cell metabolism. This in turn can lead to cell apoptosis and/or cell death (Farhan et al., 2014, 472). Therefore, ROS generation and oxidative stress is one of the primary mechanisms contributing to the toxicity of nanoparticles or nanotoxicity and can act as an inducer for a series of events like inflammation, cell injury, damage to cell membranes and cell organelles as well as DNA, apoptosis/necrosis. However, the exact mechanism behind nanoparticle-mediated toxicity needs to be explored and studied in order to reduce the toxicological side effects of nanomaterials. References Farhan, Mohd., Khan, Imran., and Thiagarajan, Padma. Nanotoxicology and its Implications. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 5, no. 1 (2014): 470-479. Gallud, Audrey., and Fadeel, Bengt. Keeping it small: towards a molecular definition of nanotoxicology. European Journal of Nanomedicine 7, no. 3 (2015): 143-151, DOI 10.1515/ejnm-2015-0020. Khanna, Puja., Ong, Cynthia., Bay, Boon Huat., and Baeg, Gyeong Hun. Nanotoxicity: An Interplay of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Cell Death. Nanomaterials 5, (2015): 1163-1180, doi:10.3390/nano5031163. Manke, Amruta., Wang, Liying., and Rojanasakul, Yon. Mechanisms of Nanoparticle-Induced Oxidative Stress and Toxicity. BioMed Research International, (2013): 1-15.