Sunday, December 29, 2019

Qué es Alien Registration Number y dónde encontrarlo

El Alien Registration Number es un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n asignado por una agencia o autoridad de Estados Unidos a un extranjero presente en el paà ­s. El Alien Registration Number, que tambià ©n se conoce como  A Number, A #  e incluso  green card number  està ¡ conformado por la letra A seguido siete, ocho o nueve dà ­gitos. Una vez que un nà ºmero ha sido asignado a una persona, à ©ste no cambia, es decir, siempre es el mismo. Quià ©nes tienen un Alien Registration Number Los extranjeros  que se encuentran en Estados Unidos pueden tener un Alien Registration Number, pero no todos lo tienen. En realidad, solamente los que se encajan en una de las cuatro  categorà ­as siguientes: En primer lugar, los residentes permanentes legales, es decir los que tienen una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como greencard. En segundo lugar, los extranjeros en proceso de ajuste de estatus. En tercer lugar, los extranjeros que tienen un permiso de trabajo por razones distintas a un ajuste de estatus. Y, finalmente y en cuarto lugar, los migrantes que sin pertenecer a ninguna de las tres categorà ­as anteriores  tienen o han tenido algà ºn tipo de procedimiento abierto en una corte migratoria. Por ejemplo, el caso de indocumentados en un proceso de deportacià ³n o un solicitante de asilo en fase defensiva, etc. Cabe destacar que si se està ¡ en Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante, como la de turista, estudiante, etc. no se tiene un Alien Registration Number, a menos que se haya abierto un procedimiento en corte migratoria o està © en tramitacià ³n para ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, los indocumentados que no han tenido ningà ºn tipo de contacto con las autoridades migratorias tampoco lo tienen. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que es posible solicitar a USCIS que notifique cuà ¡l es el Alien Number de una persona que sabe que lo tiene pero no es capaz de encontrar ningà ºn documento en el que figura y no lo recuerda de memoria. Para estos casos se puede pedir una FOIA mediante el formulario G-639. Tambià ©n es posible solicitar el rà ©cord migratorio a una corte. Dà ³nde un migrante puede verificar cuà ¡l es su alien registration number Este nà ºmero se puede encontrar en la tarjeta de residencia green card. Los migrantes que ingresaron a EE.UU. con una visa de inmigrante pueden encontrarlo en dicha visa, con el nombre de registration number. Asimismo, puede encontrarse en la carta del USCIS en la que se notifica la aprobacià ³n de la solicitud de ajuste de estatus o en la tarjeta de un permiso de trabajo. Los migrantes que tienen o han tenido un trà ¡mite ante la corte migratoria pueden encontrar el nà ºmero de alien en la apertura del expediente. Para quà © se utiliza el alien number El alien number es necesario para completar  formularios  de todo tipo, pero especialmente los migratorios, aunque tiene mà ¡s finalidades. Si al llenar una planilla piden un A# de nueve dà ­gitos pero se tiene un alien number de solamente siete u ocho debe aà ±adirse un 0 (cero) o dos ceros a la izquierda del nà ºmero para asà ­ tener un nà ºmero de nueve cifras. Es necesario el nà ºmero de alien, por ejemplo, cuando un residente permanente reclama la tarjeta de residencia para su cà ³nyuge o hijo se le pide su nà ºmero de extranjero. Tambià ©n es necesario para pedir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, solicitar el Nà ºmero del Seguro Social o al completar el formulario I-9 al iniciar un trabajo en una empresa. Tambià ©n se utiliza para declarar y pagar  impuestos  e incluso para solicitar  becas  federales mediante la Aplicacià ³n Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) para quienes puede aplicar desde el punto de vista migratorio y financiero. Tambià ©n se utiliza para comprobar el derecho a ciertos beneficios sociales, como cupones de alimentos o Medicaid. Otro ejemplo para el que se utiliza el A# es para buscar a personas que se cree que han sido detenidas por Inmigracià ³n. El sistema para localizarlas digitalmente creado por el gobierno pide que se introduzca ese nà ºmero, si se tiene uno y se conoce. Por esta razà ³n, si se tiene ese nà ºmero es importante comunicarlo a un familiar cercano o a un amigo confianza porque puede ser muy à ºtil que otra persona lo tenga a la hora de localizar a migrante que ha sido detenido. Tambià ©n se puede utilizar el Alien Registration Number para que un migrante pueda saber si tiene una orden de deportacià ³n en su contra dictada en ausencia. Si existe una duda razonable de que un migrante tiene ese tipo de orden es importante que se informe ya que de ser detenido podrà ­a ser deportado inmediatamente sin pasar por corte migratoria. Quà © hacer si un formulario pregunta el Alien Registration Number y no se tiene Si una planilla pregunta por el nà ºmero de alien y no se tiene se debe dejar el espacio correspondiente en blanco, escribir NONE o N/A. Un ejemplo son los formularios para solicitar los papeles a un familiar en el punto en el que preguntan por el A-number de la persona pedida, si à ©sta no hay tenido jamà ¡s uno. Lo que nunca se aconseja es escribir un nà ºmero falso, inventado o que corresponda a otra persona ya que eso es un fraude de ley y puede tener en el futuro consecuencias migratorias muy negativas. En ocasiones, serà ¡ posible utilizar como nà ºmero de identificacià ³n el del Seguro Social o incluso el ITIN. Pero hay que asegurarse de que es posible. En muchos casos no se admite la sustitucià ³n de un nà ºmero por los otros ya que el nà ºmero del Social o del ITIN no indican, por sà ­ solos, estatus migratorio legal.   Evitar confusiones con el Alien Registration Number No se debe confundir el Alien Registration  Number con el nà ºmero de Seguridad Social. El SS# consta de nueve dà ­gitos y es emitido por la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social a los ciudadanos estadounidenses, residentes permanentes legales y a ciertas categorà ­as de extranjeros con visas que permiten solicitar autorizaciones para trabajar. Tampoco confundirlo con el nà ºmero del I-94, registro de entrada y salida de Estados Unidos y que es el nà ºmero que se pide para completar algunos formularios migratorios, como por ejemplo, pedir extensià ³n o cambio de visa, solicitar ajuste de estatus, etc. Puntos Clave: Alien Registration Number El Alien Registration Number es un nà ºmero de 7,8 o 9 dà ­gitos que sirve para identificar a extranjeros en EE.UU. Es siempre el mismo, nunca cambia.No todos los extranjeros tienen un Alien Registration Number. Sà ­ lo tienen: residentes permanentes, personas con ajuste de estatus aprobado, extranjeros con permiso de trabajo y migrantes que han tenido o tienen un expediente en corte migratoria.Llenando el formulario G-639 es posible pedir a USCIS que notifique el nà ºmero de alien de una persona que sabe que lo ha tenido pero no lo recuerda ni guarda ningà ºn documento en el que conste. Tambià ©n se puede pedir una FOIA a una corte migratoria.Llenar un formulario utilizando un alien registration number falso o de otra persona es un fraude de ley. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a migratoria legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Work Place Ethical Dilemma - 1177 Words

Over the past decade, the family presence during resuscitation has been an increased controversial issue. Although, there are many professional organizations support the notion of family presence, the controversy still continues. Many family members were asked to leave the bedside of their loved one during resuscitation. Parents are often separated from their kids during medical emergencies. The reason behind this can be the existing fear that the family members may interfere with resuscitation efforts or it will traumatize them psychologically. A moral conflict exists because of the existence of two opposing obligations. The obligation to the family members who wants to be present with their loved ones during medical emergencies†¦show more content†¦The ethical problem of whether to allow the family during medical emergencies occurs because there is not written guidelines in many facilities about how to handle the family members during resuscitation. A written policy can he lp the health care providers to follow that and allow limited number of immediate family members to stay at the bedside. There should be also a supportive staff member assigned for the family members to explain them about what is being done and what can be the consequences. Health care staff should be educated about the written policies and guidelines on family presence to meet the needs of the patients and families. Education should include possible obstacles to family presence and potential benefits. Presence of combative or emotionally unstable family members should not be allowed during resuscitation. Family members should be able to sense that everything possible was done to revive the patient. Since this ethical issue of allowing family members to stay during resuscitation can cause so many problems between the health care staff and patient’s family, care should be taken to involve the family directly or indirectly during resuscitation. It would be a good idea to talk t o family members about their wish to be present or not present during emergencies. If the family members wish to be present, then one or two should be allowed to be present during resuscitation. If the family members do not want to beShow MoreRelatedEthics Game Reflective Journal1042 Words   |  5 PagesJournal Ethical dilemmas surface daily in professional nursing practice. Whether you work in acute care, long-term care, hospice care, ambulatory care, managed care, or public health care chances are you will be responsible for making decisions in a situation of ethical concern. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Idea and City Council Free Essays

Everest University Abstract It’s very important for commissioners and city councils to understand the importance of forensics. When the commissioners and city council understand forensics they will have a clear idea of what the cost and what it takes for the forensic team. Having an idea and understanding gives you knowledge of the forensics. We will write a custom essay sample on Idea and City Council or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s very important that commissioners and city council member to appreciate the value and the hard work of a forensic team. It is very important for the city council and commissioners to understand and appreciate the value of forensic evidence because all funds have to be approved by elected officials and they have to provide oversight for LEO to help prevent violations of funds. Forensic processing and evaluations can be costly and failure to conduct a timely use can lead to a law suit against the city and county. Neither city nor the commissioner wants a law suit against them. Forensics is very important for the commissioner, city council and other people that’s have something to do with running a town to appreciate and understand the value of it. Forensic gives an insight on someone innocent or to prove them guilty and the commissioners should be appreciative of that. Communication between all those that are not involved with the forensic but have some say so in the money funds should communicate with each other very well so that way the city council and the commissioners will know exactly how the funds are being spent and that it’s to prove someone innocent or guilty. An uncoordinated approach can lead to misunderstanding on either end. I don’t think the city commissioners are involved in the knowing of crimes as much as they should be but they do make decisions on the funds and I think they do appreciate the value of forensic evidence. They just can’t be there on the scene and do hands on but they do appreciate it I think. References Article: Mabelle Dec. 9 (2009) Article: May, 29 (2010) www. mycriminaljusticecareers. com www. bls. gov How to cite Idea and City Council, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Question: Write about Nano toxicology including these mechanisms of toxicity Nanomaterial Uptake, Translocation, and Intracellular? Answer: Nanotoxicology is a branch of toxicology/nanotechnology that deals with the study of adverse effects or toxicity of nanomaterials. The term Nanotoxicology was proposed by Donaldson to address the problems likely to be caused by nanoparticles. It includes the study of interactions of nanoparticles with biological systems (cells, fluids and tissues) at nanoscale level (Gallud Fadeel, 2015, 143). On the basis of this interaction, a relationship between physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles can be established which further leads to the induction of toxicological responses. Thus, nanotoxicology helps to understand and assess the possible health risks which are associated with the use of nanoparticles. It has been reported that there are several factors that contribute to toxicological side effects of nanoparticles or nanotoxicity such as the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles, nano particle size, large surface area, flexible structure and chemical composition as well as the shape (Khanna et al., 2015, 1165). Hence, it is important that nanoparticles are evaluated for their toxicity so as to determine whether and to what extent are they posing a threat to human beings and environment. Nanoparticle-associated toxicities results due to changes in the structural and physicochemical properties which leads to changes in biological activities and includes Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation, inflammatory response, oxidative stress, changes in cell signalling and cell function, genetic damage and apoptosis/or necrosis (cell death). The molecular mechanisms behind the toxicity of nanoparticles can be explained as: The uptake of nanomaterials by human beings can occur through several routes such as via respiratory system, circulatory system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, dermal routes and others (inhalation, oral ingestion, injection). For instance, oral ingestion of nanoparticles can lead to their translocation to the central nervous system and hence, these nanoparticles can further accumulate in the brain and can disrupt the normal metabolism ultimately leading to brain toxicity and brain damage. Also, use of cosmetic products that contains nanoparticles for example, sunscreens can lead to dermal exposure and entry of nanoparticles and their further intracellular distribution as well as accumulation in various organs (Khanna et al., 2015, 1166). Nanomaterials can also lead to oxidative stress through production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and is one of the major causes of nanotoxicity. The induction of Reactive oxygen species by nanomaterials is primarily due to the pre sence of pro-oxidant functional groups on the surface of nanoparticles and due to the interaction between the cell and nanoparticles. The generation of Reactive oxygen species in excess can cause cell damage, DNA damage, chromosomal fragmentation, breakage in DNA strand and genetic mutations (Manke et al., 2013, 7). The induction of ROS response immediately results in activation and initiation of pro-inflammatory responses as well as multiple signalling cascades such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K) pathways, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways also gets activated. Activation of these pathways leads to the transcription and expression of number of pro-inflammatory genes. Such inflammatory responses further lead to the decrease in the membrane potential of mitochondria and can even lead to the destruction of mitochondria sometimes. Increased levels of lipid peroxide are also observed along with decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities. This alters the normal cell fu nctioning and cell metabolism. This in turn can lead to cell apoptosis and/or cell death (Farhan et al., 2014, 472). Therefore, ROS generation and oxidative stress is one of the primary mechanisms contributing to the toxicity of nanoparticles or nanotoxicity and can act as an inducer for a series of events like inflammation, cell injury, damage to cell membranes and cell organelles as well as DNA, apoptosis/necrosis. However, the exact mechanism behind nanoparticle-mediated toxicity needs to be explored and studied in order to reduce the toxicological side effects of nanomaterials. References Farhan, Mohd., Khan, Imran., and Thiagarajan, Padma. Nanotoxicology and its Implications. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 5, no. 1 (2014): 470-479. Gallud, Audrey., and Fadeel, Bengt. Keeping it small: towards a molecular definition of nanotoxicology. European Journal of Nanomedicine 7, no. 3 (2015): 143-151, DOI 10.1515/ejnm-2015-0020. Khanna, Puja., Ong, Cynthia., Bay, Boon Huat., and Baeg, Gyeong Hun. Nanotoxicity: An Interplay of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Cell Death. Nanomaterials 5, (2015): 1163-1180, doi:10.3390/nano5031163. Manke, Amruta., Wang, Liying., and Rojanasakul, Yon. Mechanisms of Nanoparticle-Induced Oxidative Stress and Toxicity. BioMed Research International, (2013): 1-15.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Essay On Caesar In Shakespeares Play Of Caesar Brutus Is A Conspirator

Essay on Caesar In Shakespeare's play of "Caesar" Brutus is a conspirator who portrays a person who favors a republic for Rome. Brutus is an honorable man. Many characters in the play show there reverence for Brutus. Brutus exemplifies his honor in many ways. Brutus is obsequious when he is needed to abet his fellow romans. Brutus is an honorable man. "Am I entreated to Speak and Strike? O Rome I make thee promise, If the redress will follow, then receivest thy full petition at the hand of Brutus" (Shakespeare 397). Brutus will obey to whatever the romans convey to him. Consequently, Brutus joins the conspiracy inorder to help the romans rid rome of Caesar. Brutus also understands that he is putting it all on the line for his romans, therefore Brutus is an honorable man. Brutus is a scrupulous man, whose virtues endure. "No not an oath, If not by the face of men, the sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse-If these motives be weak, break off betimes, and every men hence to his idle bed; So let high sighted tyranny rage on, till each man drop by lottery" (Shakespeare 399). Brutus said that if the conspirators do not join for a common cause, then there is no need for an oath because the conspirators are self-righteous, and they are serving the romans. If the conspirators don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling, and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace, freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an altruistic as well as an honorable man. Brutus also had a compassion for Caesar when he had killed Caesar. "If then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more" (Shakespeare 421). Brutus had honored Caesar but Brutus felt that Caesar was to ambitious. Brutus also felt that Caesar made the romans as slaves. Therefore, Brutus is an honorable man. Brutus is a noble man who was revered by many. Brutus had j oined the conspiracy because he had the desire to help the commoners. He was a follower of idealism, where the romans would possess peace, liberty and freedom. Brutus wanted the kill Caesar, because he believed that all of the people of Rome would eventually be slaves, thus Brutus resorted to the assassination if Caesar. Brutus is a honorable man. Marcus Brutus was a good friend to Julius Caesar, but not good enough. He had moral values dealing with Rome and its people. Brutus' values then made him join a conspiracy against Caesar put together by Cassius. Brutus joined this mainly because he didn't want Caesar to turn his back on Rome so there would be a reasonable reason for killing Caesar. If Brutus wasn't in the play, there would be no "Tragedy" in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Rasputin essays

Rasputin essays Folklores are tales shrouded in mystery and mysticism, often depicting a time and an era long since dead, but there is a story of a man, not to long ago which entertains all the traits of a tall tale. Nobody in recent Russian history commands as much villainy, sainthood and mystery as the charismatic and often elusive Grigory Efimovich Rasputin. This saint who sinned# played a constructive role in the disruption of the Romanov family, the political upheaval of Russia and the eventual fall of the Tsar and his family. There were some that believed him a messenger of god, but in truth Rasputin was a just man, a man who had the incredible ability to deliver people from the confinements of their minds to the righteousness of faith. As past tales have shown, the religious or revolutionary awakening of an individual or a nation results in an irrevocable disruption of the current foundation. Whether Rasputin was the political mastermind or just a humble monk who believed in the pl easures and gratuity of occultism, he changed Russia in a way that will never be repeated or repented. Tsar Nicholas II son Alexei the only male produced by the royal couple, was the foundation of Rasputins bond with the Tsars. On the second meeting with the tsars, Rasputin requested to meet their son. # He asked for their consent to relieve the childs suffering with a prayer.# Alexei had not been able to fall asleep, beleaguered by his last attack of Hemophilia.# The eccentric peasant approached the crib and began to pray.# Before the tsars themselves, the boy began to grow tranquil and peacefully fell asleep. He awoke healthy the next morning, and it was called a miracle by the tsarina.# Rasputin had now become indispensable. # But Rasputins behavior grew more out of control by the minute.# The monk boasted of his exploits with the Empress and her daughters, even claiming the Tsar was at...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effective outsourcing allows companies to focus on their core business Essay

Effective outsourcing allows companies to focus on their core business - Essay Example For example India has about 5-6% of the global outsourcing market share and from it, it was able to generate revenue of US $ 10.9 billion in the year 2008 (Bijan 2009). By description, outsourcing is a process by which a company contracts a third party to perform for them a particular function that is not considered as one of the company’s core activities. The third party can be another company or a person. Outsourcing is more prominent in countries with high wage rates where companies outsource their non-core functions to countries with low wage rates for example China and India. The main advantages or reasons for outsourcing include gaining access to globally competitive capabilities, control and reduce operation costs, accelerate re-engineering benefits, share risks, and reduce time and efforts for marketing. It also enables a company to utilize resources that are not available internally, free their resources for development of other resources and improve their focus on th e core business activities of the company (Bijan et al 2002). The intention of this essay is to show how effective outsourcing enables/allows companies to keep a focus on their core businesses. Various writers have identified various dimensions that should be considered when making outsourcing decisions. This paper gives a discussion of four of these namely, core competencies, spatial, geographic and product innovation dimension. Under core competencies dimension, a company should not only consider growing in size and scope but it should also ensure that it maintains it specializes in and sustains focus on its core competencies. This means it should not only focus on repetitive tasks but extend to include a wider range of activities. These include knowledge-intensive tasks and sensitive functions for example R&D and design. This will enable the company to increase knowledge from external sources and hence be flexible in responding to challenges and pressures from competition (Stark et al 2006). According to (Bijan et al 2002) the process of outsourcing non-core activities allows a company to step up its resource allocation and managerial attention to those tasks it does the best. These tasks constitute the core business activities/core competencies of the company. This leads to workers and managers being more committed to the company’s core activities. This in turn increases flexibility and responsiveness which generate beneficial impacts on the performance of the firm. Such a specialization leads to high quality production. This is important in the current local and global sectors and markets characterized by very competitive pressures, complex technologies and short product life cycle. Another dimension to be considered in outsourcing decision making is spatial dimension. In this dimension, the company should explore the geographic span of the outsourcing activity. This includes the spatial distribution of all activities that are to be outsourced and the geographic extend of the value chains that will result from this. Dhanapal et al (20080 explains that this dimension has to receive adequate attention because it can result to larger inventories, greater flexibility and longer lead times. Larger spatial span can also result to coordination and communication difficulties and lowered advantage of costs that are fixed in nature. The company therefore has to consider the competitive advantages of the territories and competitive strategies of their firms. In the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Progressive Education on American Schooling Essay

Progressive Education on American Schooling - Essay Example e from an agrarian culture to a streamlined public opinion, the Progressives called for a mixed bag of changes that would in a far-reaching way modify the course of the United States. The domain of instruction was one of the first that would definitely change. The load of obligation in raising ones kids was starting to be passed from folks to schools; and in the eyes of the Progressives, open educating was not sufficiently raising Americas childhood for an up to date, fair future. In addition, progressive thinkers saw the need for the school to prepare an individual for future in a better manner via practical learning rather than theoretical learning which did not produce independent students (Bernstein, 1971). For educators, schools were neglecting to plan kids for societal life in a popular government (not a republic). Schools must do away with a controlled class timetable dependent upon the "3 Rs" energetic about a "work-study-play" strategy for taking in. Dewey accepted that training is a social process that instruction is "a methodology of living, and not readiness for future living," and that through training public opinion can shape its reasons, economy, and the course it needs to move. In society, education was seen as tool that prepared the students for future employment and societal roles once they finished studying (Dewey, 1899). The American schools at that time did not consider students welfare after school because of the curriculum it had. Teachers need to teach scientific method of solving problems. For teachers, basing training in experience methods captivating learners on the whole in request and exploration utilizing the logical system (or as he now and again alluded to it, the "technique for sagacity. The conditions found in present experience ought to be utilized as wellsprings of issues are a trademark which separates instruction dependent upon experience from customary training. Development relies on the vicinity of trouble to be overcome by

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Human Resources - Essay Example It is a statement, which shows the company’s ideology and direction. Many things depend upon this. Employees get a clear picture of what is going to happen in the near and far future. On the other hand, there is confusion in many organizations that the HR is only limited to bring new faces in the company. S/he is hardly aware of what the company has as its target. The HR strategy clears this confusion proving the fact that the HR is an essential person in the organization who is very much aware of everything happening there and thus help in attaining an important goal of retaining the employees. (Messmer, 2001) The HR of a company clearly states what the company has done so far. All the ups and downs are openly discussed before people and therefore, the employees become aware of the results that have come out of the business strategy that has been obtained by the company so far. Periodic briefings regarding the goals and objectives of a particular project and sharing of information also help. Therefore, the management also thinks about new changes that can be brought into service for pacing up the company furthermore. (Messmer, 2001) Basically, HR strategy and HR theories meet at two points – requirements of the firm and requirements of the employee. An HR manager always tries to explain the reality with a theoretical perception. This helps him/her to compare the reality with the ideal. S/he tries to improve the company’s standard by deciphering its basic requirements comparing with the theory. On the other hand, requirements of the individuals are also the important matters to him/her. S/he tries to bring the equilibrium between the theory and reality. In his book ‘The Human Side of Enterprise† McGregor shows how Theory Y influences the effectiveness of managers and salaries and promotions. The two theories highlight two different orientation of behavior or disposition. Theory X

Friday, November 15, 2019

Is globalization of the Vietnamese economy good or bad

Is globalization of the Vietnamese economy good or bad Vietnam has made a great progress in global integration since it began the Doi Moi process, especially when our country became the 150th member of WTO in 2007. The global integration has helped to change a poor country facing with starvation in the 1980s into a highly developing country now. However, Vietnam also has to face up with challenges affecting economic stability such as global financial crisis, severe competition from foreign enterprises. In order to understand more about globalization and its effects on the Vietnamese economy, I would like to write this paper to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this process upon the Vietnamese economy and what can be done to overcome these challenges. I. Literature Review 1. What is globalization? Globalization has now become a popular term appearing regularly on television, radio and newspaper. It is a very broad term which is related to economy, politics, culture, and environment. Carbaugh (2008) defines globalization as the process of greater interdependence among countries and their citizens. It consists of increased integration of product and resource markets across nations via trade, immigration, and foreign investment that is, via international flows of goods and services, of people, and of investment such as equipment, factories, stocks, and bonds. It also includes noneconomic elements such as culture and environment. Simply put, globalization is political, technological, and cultural as well as economic (p.2). Within this paper, we only focus on the economic side of globalization. 2. History of globalization in the worlds economy Carbaugh (2008) mentions three waves of globalization which constitute the so-called globalization nowadays. The first process was initialized by the global economic integration occurred from 1870 to 1914. It began with the decreases in tariff barriers and the development of new technologies railway, steam engines, and steam ships which lowered transportation cost. This wave was mainly driven by European countries, American businesses and individuals. As a result, the ratio of exports over the worlds total income nearly doubled to 8 percent and the United States became the richest country in the world. The first wave of globalization was ended by World War I, followed by the Great Depression of the 1930s, which pushed back the process. The second wave of globalization happened within the period 1945-1980 with the continual falling cost of transportation and the removal of trade barriers among developed countries. This period were featured by a new kind of trade: agglomeration economies-firms clustered together and were connected in a vertical linkage; parts manufacturers located near the main assembly line to lower the cost of transport. However, most developing countries still could not participate in this process for many different reasons. As the result, per capita income in developed countries increased dramatically while other developing countries were left behind. The last wave of globalization began in 1980 and continues up to now. The pace of this global integration has become much faster and dramatic because of unprecedented advancements in technology, communications, science, transport and industry. The wave is featured by the dramatic increase in global trade not only from developed countries but also from developing countries, which has made the global GDP increase quickly. Developing countries such as China, India, Brazil have succeed in joining the world market, exporting the goods they have competitive advantage mostly labor-intensive products. The communication technology developed very quickly. Another aspect of this wave is the increasing foreign outsourcing, which aims mainly at lowering the production cost by producing parts in developing courtiers. The period is also featured by bilateral and multilateral trade agreements and the establishment of the worlds biggest trade institution: WTO (the world trade organization) to superv ise and liberalize international trade. 3. The globalization of the world economy-for better There is maybe no other issues which are more controversial than globalization. There are maybe no other international institutions which are more protested than WTO. However, theories and reality have proved globalizations indispensability. According to the law of competitive advantage by David Ricardo, because of trade, films, regions, countries will gain benefits if they specialize in producing things they do well at a lower cost and use the earnings from these activities to by goods for which they are high-cost producers. Carbaugh (2008, p.14) Globalization encourages innovation and efficient production in each countrys economy. Because of competitiveness from foreign enterprises, domestic producers have a strong incentive to improve the quality of their products. Carbaugh (2008, p.14) Globalization also helps reduce the price of goods. For example, in the case of the US, because of global competition, the prices of such items as TV sets, clothing, toys have reduced dramatically. Meanwhile, the prices of products untouched by globalization, such as hospital services, sports tickets, and car repair have a tendency to increase. Carbaugh (2008, p.14) Globalization through the form of international trade provides stability for production. For example, a company can buy parts and components worldwide to supply its production. Moreover, it can export its products to other countries if the demand in the domestic economy is low. Carbaugh (2008, p.16) Globalization plays an important part in the economic growth of one country. For example, countries that open their economy to international trade tend to benefit from new technology and other sources of economic growth. (Carbaugh, 2008, p.16) Protestants of globalization often mention job displacement, loss of countrys sovereignty, environmental damage, etc. as reasons for anti-globalization. Indeed, these problems can be properly addressed if each government has determination and right strategies. 4. The globalization of the Vietnamese economy-some important events To Vietnam, since the country began the Doi Moi process in 1986, the economy has gradually integrated into global market. With the guideline Vietnam is prepared to be a friend and reliable partner of all countries in the world community, striving for peace, independence and development. Vietnam has gradually joined international organizations and economic institutions as well as cooperated with other countries for mutual development. Vietnam re-joined the World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1992 and 1993. The year 1995 saw many significant external economic events. Vietnam joined the ASEAN and committed to implement the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), signed a Cooperative Agreement with the European Union (EU) and normalized relations with the US and applied for WTO membership. In 1998 Vietnam officially became a member of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). (Ho) In order to enhance trade among Vietnam and other countries, many bilateral and multilateral trade agreements have been signed. On July 13th 2000, the Viet Nam-United States Bilateral Trade Agreement was officially signed. Our country has signed over 80 bilateral trade agreements 40 bilateral investment agreements and 40 agreements on avoidance of double taxation. Most significantly, after eleven years of negotiation, in 2007 Vietnam became the official member of the world trade organization (WTO)-the worlds biggest trade organization. Since then, Vietnam has entered the largest trade play ground where every country is equal in both opportunities and challenges. So it can be summarized that Vietnam has taken part in the international integration for over the past twenty years and fully joined in the globalization process for three years dating from 2007. II. Benefits and opportunities of globalization to the Vietnamese economy Integration deeply into the world market has brought many tangible benefits and opportunities to the Vietnamese economy. 1. Increasing export revenues As a result of integrating into the regional and global market, export revenues have increased continually since 1990, speeded up sine 1995 when Vietnam joined ASEAN and grew sharply since Vietnam joined WTO in 2007. The growth in export revenues is illustrated in the following table Total Of which: Balance(*) Exports Imports Mill.USD 1990 5156.4 2404.0 2752.4 -348.4 1991 4425.2 2087.1 2338.1 -251.0 1992 5121.5 2580.7 2540.8 39.9 1993 6909.1 2985.2 3923.9 -938.7 1994 9880.1 4054.3 5825.8 -1771.5 1995 13604.3 5448.9 8155.4 -2706.5 1996 18399.4 7255.8 11143.6 -3887.8 1997 20777.3 9185.0 11592.3 -2407.3 1998 20859.9 9360.3 11499.6 -2139.3 1999 23283.5 11541.4 11742.1 -200.7 2000 30119.2 14482.7 15636.5 -1153.8 2001 31247.1 15029.2 16217.9 -1188.7 2002 36451.7 16706.1 19745.6 -3039.5 2003 45405.1 20149.3 25255.8 -5106.5 2004 58453.8 26485.0 31968.8 -5483.8 2005 69208.2 32447.1 36761.1 -4314.0 2006 84717.3 39826.2 44891.1 -5064.9 2007 111326.1 48561.4 62764.7 -14203.3 Prel. 2008 143398.9 62685.1 80713.8 -18028.7 Table 1 Export and import of goods Source: General statistics office of Vietnam (GSO) The countrys export turnover in 2007 reached US$48 billion, 21.3 percent higher than 2006s figure, surpassing the 3.1 percent target set by the government. Vietnams key export items having high export turnovers were seafoods, rice, coffee, vegetables, rubber, cashew nuts, and pepper. (GSO) The second year of WTO membership saw a sharp increase in the countrys export turnover. Export turnover in 2008 reached US$62 billion, 29.5 percent higher than that in 2007. (GSO) In 2009 the export turnovers were estimated to be US$56.6 billion, reflecting a drop of 9.7 percent from 2008.However, it was due to price drops during the economic crisis. Vietnamese commodities have been exported widely to 150 countries and territories, with many sectors benefiting from WTO membership including labor-intensive industries like clothing, footwear and electronics. (SGGP) An example of quick development in export after joining WTO is textile and garment industry. Vietnam has become one of the ten largest exporters of textiles and garments in the world after earning US$7.7 billion from exporting these commodities in 2007. The US market made up 56 percent of this total turnover, followed by the EU (US$1.45 1.65 billion) and Japan (US$700 million.) (GSO) Unit 2005 2006 2007 Prel. 2008 Crude oil Thous.tons 17966.6 16442.0 15062.0 13752.3 Coal 17987.8 29308.0 32072.0 19354.7 Electronic parts (Including TV parts), computer and their parts Mill.USD 1427.4 1807.8 2165.2 2638.4 Articles of plastic 357.7 452.3 709.5 921.2 Electrical wire and cable 518.2 705.7 882.3 1001.3 Rucksacks, bag, pockets, wallets(*) 470.9 502.1 627.1 833.0 Footwear 3038.8 3595.9 3999.5 4767.8 Textile, sewing products 4772.4 5854.8 7732.0 9120.4 Rattan, bamboo and rush products 157.3 214.1 246.7 255.6 Pottery and glassware 255.3 274.4 334.9 344.0 Embroidery products 78.4 98.1 111.8 Fresh and processed vegetables fruit 235.5 259.1 305.6 407.0 Pepper Thous. tons 109.9 114.8 83.0 90.3 Coffee 912.7 980.9 1232.1 1059.5 Rubber 554.1 703.6 715.6 658.3 Rice 5254.8 4642.0 4580.0 4741.9 Shelled cashew nut 109.0 127.7 154.7 165.3 Tea Thous. tons 91.7 105.4 115.7 104.5 Wood and wooden products 1561.4 1943.1 2384.6 2829.3 Fishery products Mill. USD 2732.5 3358.0 3763.4 4510.1 Of which: Frozen shrimps 1265.7 1262.8 1387.6 Frozen fish 608.8 1083.4 1379.1 Frozen cuttle fish 73.9 92.5 60.8 (*) Data from year 2004 include hats and umbrellas. Table 2: Some main goods for exportation Source: General statistics office of Vietnam (GSO) 2. Rapid increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) As a WTO member, Vietnam has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. Registered FDI surged to US$71 billion in 2008, compared with only $12 billion in 2006. Although FDI commitments dropped last year to $21.4 billion as a result of the global financial crisis, the figure was still at the same level as pre-crisis 2007. (Thanh Nien news) During the three years of WTO membership, total registered FDI into Vietnam reached more than $114 billion, 4.5 times higher than the target set for the 2006-2010 period. Of this, $29.5 billion was disbursed in the five years. (Thanh Nien news) The data for FDI into Vietnam over the past 20 years are summarized in the following table: Number of projects Registered capital (Mill. USD) (*) Implementation capital (Mill. USD) Total 10981 163607.2 57045.5 1988 37 341.7 1989 67 525.5 1990 107 735.0 1991 152 1291.5 328.8 1992 196 2208.5 574.9 1993 274 3037.4 1017.5 1994 372 4188.4 2040.6 1995 415 6937.2 2556.0 1996 372 10164.1 2714.0 1997 349 5590.7 3115.0 1998 285 5099.9 2367.4 1999 327 2565.4 2334.9 2000 391 2838.9 2413.5 2001 555 3142.8 2450.5 2002 808 2998.8 2591.0 2003 791 3191.2 2650.0 2004 811 4547.6 2852.5 2005 970 6839.8 3308.8 2006 987 12004.0 4100.1 2007 1544 21347.8 8030.0 Prel. 2008 1171 64011.0 11600.0 (*)Including supplementary capital to licensed projects in previous years. Table 3: Foreign direct investment projects licensed in period 1988 2008 Source: General statistics office of Vietnam (GSO) 3. Increase in enterprises awareness, adaptation and performance Joining WTO means that Vietnam has entered a large play ground where Vietnamese enterprises have to compete with many giant players-big foreign corporations with strong financial power and experience. Moreover, the reduction of tariffs and non-tariffs measures, the open of servicing market have made the domestic market more competitive. All these factors have forced domestic enterprises (both state-owned and private ones) to restructure and self-improve. Being aware of these challenges, Vietnamese enterprises have invested money to standardize their operation and products. Thousands of Vietnamese enterprises in different fields such as textile, transport, service, telecommunication, food production have met international standards: ISO 9000, ISO 14000. Furthermore, besides traditional markets such as the US, Japan, they have reached new markets such as Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. More effort is put on employee training and attraction high quality employees. Some big Vietname se enterprises which have strong competitiveness are Co.opmart, Hoang Anh Gia Lai group, Sai Gon tourist, VNPT. This is also a chance for state-owned enterprises pending on the Government protection and subsidies restructure their operation. Otherwise they will be defeated even in the domestic market. So under the competition pressure, the Vietnams enterprises will become more effective and competitive. 4. More favorable legal system for trading activities Global economic integration and accession to the WTO have given Vietnam a chance to refine its policy and legal system to be more transparent, sustainable and predictable to be in line with WTO regulations and to attract more foreign investors. For example, according to Law on Foreign Investment, there are flexible regulations of establishment Enterprises with foreign investment are permitted to change the form of investment, and divide, consolidate or merge with other enterprises. Existing joint ventures are allowed to transform into wholly-owned foreign capital enterprises under certain conditions. In addition, there is no obligation to form a joint venture with a local partner. Foreign investors are entitled to make their own choice from three forms of investment set forth by the Law on Foreign Investment. There is also the reduction of the administrative burden The duration for investment licensing was cut from 60 working days to 45 working days for projects under the category of appraisal and issuance of investment licences, and to 30 working days for projects under the category of registration for investment licences Furthermore, under the Governments Project 30 to enhance administrative reform, about 5,700 administrative papers at all levels have been under consideration. Duplicate or unnecessary documents will be abolished. The Prime Minister has proposed a 30 percent reduction of all legal documents. To enhance administrative procedures Vietnamese government are developing e-commerce and e-government to create effective links between administration agencies, businesses and people. (Vov news) Moreover, as a WTO member, Vietnam is treated as a full WTO membership. Vietnamese enterprises have a healthy environment for development in foreign markets. If there are trade disputes, they can be treated under WTOs Dispute Settlement Mechanism. Vietnamese enterprises will be judged by the WTO international court, which means we have more advantages to protect our rights. (Ho) For example, the lawsuit is no longer imposed by domestic laws as the previous catfish war case- Vietnams tra and basa dumping disputes, and we can implement some legal retaliating tools within WTO regulations. Vietnam will have equal status with other countries in the global trade policy-making process and an opportunity to participate in building a more equal and logical international trade cooperative framework. Le (2008) III. Challenges of globalization to the Vietnamese economy Globalization is an indispensable process. As a result, 153 countries have become official members of WTO and up to now no countries would like to exit this organization. This illustrates clearly the benefits of globalization. Globalization by its nature does not make a country worse. However, the opportunities created by globalization are always accompanied with challenges. If a country cannot overcome these challenges, it will meet a lot of difficulties. Vietnam is not the exception. Our challenges are not only from the outsiders but also from the domestic economy. Three major groups of challenges are described as follows 1. Low competitiveness of nation, enterprises and products Vietnamese enterprises are mainly medium and small-sized. According to Le (2008), none of Vietnams state-owned enterprises was on the list of 1000 world biggest corporations, neither its commercial trademarks in the list of 1000 most prestigious global trademarks. If we want to gain strong competitiveness in international market, we must have many strong enterprises like Sony, Toyota of Japan, or Hyundai, Samsung of South Korea. According to World Economic Forums report for the year 2009-2010, in terms of global competitiveness index, Vietnam ranked 75th out of 133 countries in the year 2009-2010, dropping 5 places compared to 2008-2009s index. From the report and practical situation, we can come up with some drawbacks in our economy which lead to poor nations competitiveness. Firstly, the most problematic factor of doing business which accounts for 16.1 percent in the World Economic Forums report is the inadequate supply of infrastructure. According to Thomas Siebert, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), the lack of high-quality infrastructure and logistical services is both a pressing concern and an impediment, especially to potential American investors. Indeed, this important issue has been brought up in every meeting between AmCham and the Vietnamese authorities since May 2006. Various problems include the delay in constructing bridges, inter-provincial roads and overland infrastructure. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) said that 80% of Japanese companies considered roads as the first factor that needs improvement, followed by power supply (60%) and ports (40%). Dr Le Dang Doanh once compared a gap in infrastructure among Vietnam and other economies in the region by a typical example, it takes ten minutes to do logi stics for a container in a Singapore port but seven days in a Vietnamese port. Secondly, difficulty in accessing financing ranks second in problematic factors of doing business in Vietnam. According to Dr Le (2008), Vietnams financial depth ratio, a measurement of money supply relative to the size of the economy the ratio of M2 over GDP was about 84% GDP, with around 6 million bank accounts over the population of 84 million, the stock market just accounted for 6% GDP and still in the pilot stage and incomplete. Not to mention technology, Basel standards for the banking industry, number of commercial banks services offered, ratio of bad debts, we can see clearly how big the gap is for Vietnam to fill. Thirdly, poor system of higher education and training, which ranks 92/133, is a big challenge. Inadequately trained faculty, ineffective teaching methods, and lack of access to modern technologies severely limit students learning. Government sponsored educational reform has not kept pace with the need to transmit from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. We are now facing with the dilemma of too much common labor force but inadequately educated workforce which ranks 3 in the problematic factors of doing business in Vietnam. Moreover, the quality of management schools is too low (111/133), which results in incompetent staff at different levels, from central to grassroots, from State agencies to businesses. Table 4: The competitiveness index for Vietnam 2009-2010 Source: World Economic Forum Table 5: The competitiveness index in detail for Vietnam 2009-2010 Source: World Economic Forum 2. Issues relating to macro policies and administrative procedure According to the World Economic Forums report, although the country improves in most of the categories of the Index, Vietnam is down five positions to 75th, the considerable worsening of its macroeconomic situation-dropping from 70th to 112th place-weighs heavily on its economy and competitiveness. A widening trade deficit, an overheating economy, and a global rise in commodity prices caused inflation to shoot up to 23 percent in 2008.This in turn triggered a crisis of confidence, big swings in interest rates, and a sharp fall of the dong, the local currency. Although this issue was over and the government has performed better when dealing with the global financial crisis, it is an important lesson that because the Vietnamese economy has integrated deeply into the global economy, the exchange rates, inflation, balance of payment and budget deficit will develop unpredictably. I share the same point of view with what Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said when having a meeting with the ba nking sector: what is right today may not right tomorrow. If we follow the rightness today too long, we may make mistake in tomorrows situation. Hence, it is essential for the government to pay close attention to the world economy, better the forecast ability and have flexible guidance so that Vietnam can reap the benefits of the efforts and successes achieved in other areas. One of the main reasons for Vietnams 75th position is the variable Burden of government regulation (106/133) which constitutes a big disadvantage. In fact, the current administrative system is a serious obstacle to development. Although the government is trying to reduce unnecessary administrative procedure such as one door, the current result is not as much as expected. According to the former Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, Vietnamese public administration has been laden with the following problems: red-tape, ineffectiveness, inefficiency, cumbersomeness, corruption, and an unskilled and under-qualified public service. The administration is clearly not keeping itself abreast of economic level. 3. Difficulties in agricultural sector Agriculture  [1]  is the main sector in the economy, accounting for 20 percent of GDP and 66 percent of the national population. However, it is confronting with vigorous competition in the global market. Over the past three years, there was no sudden change in the export of agricultural products. Although the export revenue increased compared to the year 2006, the growth rate was lower than the general growth rate of export of the country as a whole, except for coffee. (Center for Information and Documentation). The table below illustrates the growth rate of agricultural export 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Prel. 2008 Mill.USD TOTAL 20149.3 26485.0 32447.1 39826.2 48561.4 62685.1 By economic sector Domestic economic sector 9988.1 11997.3 13893.4 16764.9 20785.7 28155.9 Foreign invested sector(*) 10161.2 14487.7 18553.7 23061.3 27775.7 34529.2 By commodity group Heavy industrial products and minerals 6485.1 9641.9 11701.4 14428.6 16000.0 19200.0 Light industrial and handicraft goods 8597.3 10870.8 13293.4 16389.6 21598.0 28575.0 Agricultural products 2672.0 3383.6 4467.4 5352.4 7200.0 10400.0 Forest products 195.3 180.6 252.5 297.6 Aquatic products 2199.6 2408.1 2732.5 3358.0 3763.4 4510.1 Structure (%) TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 By economic sector Domestic economic sector 49.6 45.3 42.8 42.1 42.8 44.9 Foreign invested sector(*) 50.4 54.7 57.2 57.9 57.2 55.1 By commodity group Heavy industrial products and minerals 32.2 36.4 36.1 36.2 32.9 30.6 Light industrial and handicraft goods 42.7 41.0 41.0 41.2 44.5 45.6 Agricultural products 13.3 12.8 13.7 13.4 14.8 16.6 Forest products 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.8 Aquatic products 10.8 9.1 8.4 8.4 7.8 7.2 (*) Included crude oil. Table 6: Exports of goods by economic sector and by commodity group Source: General statistics office of Vietnam (GSO) This is due to a combination of many weaknesses. Farmers lack knowledge and professional skills. Production technology is small and backward, which increases the production costs compared to those of other countries and makes the quality of the products low. Agricultural enterprises are often of small size and disperse. As a result, they have weak financial capacity to improve production technology and labor productivity. Moreover, there are no shared strategies on developing in foreign markets, no strong and famous trade mark. For example, although Vietnam is currently the worlds second largest rice exporter Vietnamese rice still does not have an established trademark on the international market. Another problem is the slow and inaccurate market forecast about the worlds demand and price forecast by functional agencies, causing a lot of damages to agricultural enterprises and farmers. For example, in 2008, wrong forecasts about food security and the worlds rice price led to Vietnams not exporting rice when the worlds price was

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fran Dorn :: Free Essays

Fran Dorn is the host of Literary Visions, a telecourse video. Dorn is an intelligent person with a love for literature and reading. After watching just one of these telecourse videos, I’ve come to learn a lot about Miss Dorn. With that said, I would like to share with you some of the bits and pieces I have come to learn. What kind of person is this Fran Dorn? Do these videos tell you anything about her personal life? Most interestingly, what are her thoughts on literature?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I sat, notebook and pen in hand, watching these videos, I kept asking myself, â€Å"Who is this person? Is she nice? Mean? Compassionate?† The one thing you could tell about Miss Dorn right away was that she was a very intelligent woman. Dorn read many books, she has a Master’s degree – and that wasn’t the only way you can tell she is an intellectual. The way she talked with such knowledge about literature, and confidence. Miss Dorn graced the television set with such poise. She’s the type of person most people aspire to be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many things you can learn about Fran Dorn’s personal life. Dorn states that she has her Master’s degree in theater. She also said that she went to a Graduate School in New York for three years. Miss Dorn always loves to read books. She also collected them. Some of the books in her collection include â€Å"Busy Timmy†, and the â€Å"The Velveteen Rabbit†. On the day Dorn graduated from Graduate School, she bought herself a book to celebrate. The book was â€Å"The Velveteen Rabbit†. The store’s clerk asked her if she wanted it wrapped as a gift for someone. She explained it was only for her, and the clerk wrapped it up. Then the clerk stated â€Å"It was indeed a gift, a gift I was giving myself†.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why I Love South Africa

South Africa bubbles with wonderful, culturally diverse people. A colourful array of different foods, religions, beliefs and traditions are blended together to make up the amazing nation of the republic of South Africa It is, arguably (and ironically), one of the most liberal, free, and constitutionally healthy democracies in the Western World – and, most certainly, in Africa. To have achieved this after hundreds of years of the most brutal repression and trashing of human rights – 15 years of true democracy, is nothing if not a monumental achievement. Then there are the challenges – yes, South Africa has many. But that’s what makes it exciting to be here. To be part of facing these challenges and (re)building a country . The people – ALL the people – are just great. There are simply no sacred cows in South Africa any more. Anything and everything can and is being discussed openly. Only once you have been to a South African braai, the beach in December, the bustling cities zig-zaged by taxis, a game park and met our vibrant inhabitants can you under. Where else in the world can you go from Oceans and Mountains, through beautiful vinyards and into arid desert, from open bushveld, to tropical forest. Where else can you find such a diversity of people that 11 official languages are required. South Africa is a country rich with resources, cultures and geographies and few countries the size of South Africa can boast such diversity. But none of this matters, if it doesn’t feel like home, and thats why I love SA. Its home. This is the home of ubuntu. For those of you who don't know, it basically means a spirit of community and sharing and kindness. Here’s to the glorious South African sunsets and the great blue African skies. Here’s to the rich wildlife and the friendly, happy people. Here’s to melktert and koeksusters, mampoer, bobotie, sosaties, amasi, isidudu, chutney and bunny chow, vetkeok and malva pudding. Here’s to a melting pot of cultures, coming together in one home under one roof – Indians, Chinese, Zulu, Xhosa, Pedi, Sotho, Tswana, Afrikaans, the San bushmen, English†¦ Here’s to Shaka Zulu, Nelson Mandela, Charlize Theron, Freek Robinson, Riaan Crywagen, Natalie du Toit, Makhaya Ntini and the man on the street. Here’s to the Drakensburg, Table Mountain, The Tsitsikama forests in Knysna, the Garden Route, the warm Indian ocean intermingling with the cool Atlantic, the dry escarpment of Gauteng and the Great Karoo. Here’s to every different season and landscape contained in one immensely beautiful country.

Friday, November 8, 2019


THE SEA AROUND US essays This book is about information on how they think the oceans were formed. There are several theories on how the ocean was started. One of the theories is that a chunk of the earth was knocked out and made the Pacific Ocean. Another is that when the world was formed the oceans were just there after the worlds temperature cold down. Another topic in the book is that the moon is the earths child. They think that while the earth was being form the moon came in to play after a comet hit the earth. Than it cause the moon to go into our atmosphere and made it that go in orbits of the earth. That is what makes waves in the oceans. This is what the first chapter basically is talking about. The one weird thing about this book is that they say the moon can fit perfectly in the area of the Pacific Ocean. They also took rock from one side of the moon and rock from the bottom of the ocean, and they compared them together. They found out that both of the rocks are the same. That is why they thing the moon and the Pacific Ocean are the same and the missing piece in the ocean is actually the moon in space. If the moon is apart of the earth how comes the moon and the Pacific Ocean doesnt have a thin granite layer instead of the same materials of the inner layer. The other topics that are opened in the book are about how the if the moon is apart of the earth how comes the moons mass is not the same as the earths. The moons mass is between 3.3 and 5.5. That is what is confusing some of the scientist that is doing research on the planet and the oceans. Also another topic in the book is how they think as the world changed over the years they ocean change with it and the pacific oceans missing piece was pushed out when the land was moving around to different parts of the world. The second reason is that when the earth was first made it was a really volcano place that they also thing that a super volcan ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Elizabeth The First

Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor has been called â€Å"perhaps history’s greatest monarch.† She is by far histories most powerful woman. The government of England in the time of Elizabeth I was very different to its modern day counterpart. Queen Elizabeth was very much a ruler, unlike the monarchs today who are largely figureheads, and made all the major decisions of government herself. The crown was not above the law, but had to act in accordance with it, but Elizabeth was still a very authoritative woman. No law could be passed without her consent. She could choose the religion of the country, decide when parliament was going to sit and what they could discuss, opt whether or not the country would go to war, make decisions regarding education, the welfare of her subjects, even what food they should eat and the clothes they were to wear. She also had the right to send men or women to prison and, or order executions. Everyone in the country had to obey her. Not to obey her was against the law, and could be treason, for which the penalty was dismemberment and death. (Life and Times) The reign of Elizabeth I began with a sense of uncertainty and danger, which would rarely leave it. The fears that assailed her new subjects at the end of 1558 were shared by many of their European neighbors, for England did not stand-alone. â€Å"Invasion of strangers, civil dissensions, the doubtful disposition of the succeeding prince, were cast in every man’s conceit as present peril.† (Brigden pg 213) The whole premise of Elizabeth’s right to rule was her divine right as a sovereign. She made no attempt to hide the fact that she believed that she was the child Henry VIII had wanted. To the rest of the world she was illegitimate, her father’s marriage to Anne Boleyn being void, and had no authority to govern. Only to her subject’s reliance in their social hierarchy kept her on the throne. Elizabeth determined to rule by love rather... Free Essays on Elizabeth The First Free Essays on Elizabeth The First Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor has been called â€Å"perhaps history’s greatest monarch.† She is by far histories most powerful woman. The government of England in the time of Elizabeth I was very different to its modern day counterpart. Queen Elizabeth was very much a ruler, unlike the monarchs today who are largely figureheads, and made all the major decisions of government herself. The crown was not above the law, but had to act in accordance with it, but Elizabeth was still a very authoritative woman. No law could be passed without her consent. She could choose the religion of the country, decide when parliament was going to sit and what they could discuss, opt whether or not the country would go to war, make decisions regarding education, the welfare of her subjects, even what food they should eat and the clothes they were to wear. She also had the right to send men or women to prison and, or order executions. Everyone in the country had to obey her. Not to obey her was against the law, and could be treason, for which the penalty was dismemberment and death. (Life and Times) The reign of Elizabeth I began with a sense of uncertainty and danger, which would rarely leave it. The fears that assailed her new subjects at the end of 1558 were shared by many of their European neighbors, for England did not stand-alone. â€Å"Invasion of strangers, civil dissensions, the doubtful disposition of the succeeding prince, were cast in every man’s conceit as present peril.† (Brigden pg 213) The whole premise of Elizabeth’s right to rule was her divine right as a sovereign. She made no attempt to hide the fact that she believed that she was the child Henry VIII had wanted. To the rest of the world she was illegitimate, her father’s marriage to Anne Boleyn being void, and had no authority to govern. Only to her subject’s reliance in their social hierarchy kept her on the throne. Elizabeth determined to rule by love rather...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Theory practice gap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Theory practice gap - Essay Example The theory-practice gap can only be terminated rather than being resolved by starting a new nursing theory concept and a new connection between practice and theory where both communicate and respond to each other. For example, a transformative and collaborative model is used to identify that health care needs of patients are not met in the health care system dominated by medicine. The transformative model is used to promote visible and active nursing presence, describe and foster medical-nursing collaboration in health care system (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy & OGrady, 2014). I agree with discussion two about theory-practice gap because it has limited the nursing professions from full utilisation of their knowledge in practice. This is because theory based nursing practice relies on the extent of the nurses’ understanding and knowledge of theories and model; and how to implement them in their profession. Nursing theories and models give a systematic approach and structure to identify important data, interpret information for nursing diagnosis, plan effective nursing care and examine patients through objective analysis, decision making and analysis. In advanced nursing profession, the advanced nurse practitioner handles a variety of patients ranging from community, special population, families and individual. The health care revolution demands that a nurse should show cost effective, high quality and efficient care in health care systems; pushing nurses to advance their studies (Cody & Kenney, 2006). This has led to hospitals attracting educated nu rses who are grounded on graduate level education and clinical training. These advanced nurse practitioners are certified and have direct clinical practice centred on patients and families. Therefore, the role of the advanced nurse practitioner is to give care using evidence-based practice; to improve the health of the patient. To sum

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case Study Lucy and Peter at the GP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Case Study Lucy and Peter at the GP - Essay Example Science has utilized the use of biometrics to safeguard information. In a particular case, the examination of the use of biometrics and the dispensation of information via technology will be discussed. Then, a discussion will be made upon the ethics of the usage of such systems as well as the exploitation of the lacklustre security. Security over things worth protecting has been a significant driving force in technology development as well as policy proliferation. Scientists and lawmakers have joined their efforts to protect identity and fiscal assets. However, through pillaging of cyberspace hackers as well as authorized utilization and viewing of sensitive information has ran rampant on every level. The attacks on military and financial districts of the United States on September 11 gave lawmakers all over the world, especially industrialized countries (i.e. Europe and the United States), a renewed impetus to strengthen security on all levels. Biometrics and other related mechanisms have provided a means to aid in security. Biometrics is the development of statistical and mathematical methods application to data analysis problems in the biological sciences. The form of measurement is used specifically penal and corporate identification systems to protect privileged and sensitive information. ... The Greeks used almost the same methodology but in cunning and precise manner. Now, digital hand prints and eye identification are the standard as well as highest form of security to date to protect sensitive information and financial investments. (Tapscott, pg. 43) False positive tests are made to secure the identity of all constituents involved. Non-repudiation In electronic commercial transactions such as the ATM, all constituents in a transaction must be assured their security is not infringed upon. Via authentication of all parties, a transaction could be made in full confidence. Systems are programmed to make prevent any concerned parties from repudiating a transaction prior to their agreement in a form of digital signatures. Cryptographic hash function Cryptographic hash function is used for information security cryptographic hash function is to translate and transcribe an original writing or picture into an algorithmic form or a "digital fingerprint" for data. The code that represents the actual artefact is conveyed in hash sums. Devices that utilize this method expeditiously dispense information without revealing information. Each hash function must have its own distinct algorithmic, code. Distinction is important inasmuch as it mitigates confusion between two people. Inasmuch as all constituents, to a transaction wish that transaction to be secure, electronic devices must authenticate all constituents to prevent any interlopers. Also, devices, such as ATM machines must prevent parties to electronically renege their transaction. To consolidate trust, the implementation of digital signatures has been heavily utilized. (Cranor, pg 30) Polyalphabetic substitution Among the most original and often

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kohlbergs Principles of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kohlbergs Principles of Ethics - Essay Example Lawrence Kohlberg was one of the first serious thinkers to study and know about a person's ability to deal with ethical issues which could develop in later life and also whether education could affect that development (Source: Can Ethics Be Taught). Kohlberg developed a theory of moral reasoning, which according to him was the basis for ethical behavior and has three major levels split into six identifiable stages of moral development as shown below: The Stage 1 is a heteronomous orientation focusing on avoiding breaking rules that are backed by punishment, obedience for its own sake and avoiding the physical consequences of an action to persons and property (Source: Studies in moral development and education). The Stage 2 orientation focuses on the instrumental, pragmatic value of an action. Reciprocity is of the form. The Golden Rule becomes, "If someone hits you, you hit them back". Thus one follows the rules only when it is to someone's immediate interests. What is right is what's fair in the sense of an equal exchange, a deal, an agreement with his (her) own interest (Source: Studies in moral development and education). At Stage 3 individuals are aware of shared feelings, agreements, and expectations which take primacy over individual interests. Hence they define what is right in terms of what is expected by people close to their own self, and in terms of the stereotypic roles that define being good. Thus being good here means keeping mutual relationships, such as trust, loyalty, respect, and gratitude. The thinking is that of local community or family. There is no consideration of the generalized social system (Source: Studies in moral development and education). The Stage 4 shifts focus from defining what is right in terms of local norms and role expectations to defining right in terms of the laws and norms established by the larger social system. Thus defining one's social responsibilities. One must obey the law except in extreme cases in which the law comes into conflict with other prescribed social duties. Obeying the law is seen as necessary in order to maintain the system of laws which protect everyone (Source: Studies in moral development and education). While two stages have been mentioned in the third major level only one stage i.e., Stage 5, has received substantial empirical support. Stage 6 remains as a theoretical endpoint which rationally follows from the preceding 5 stages. This level is called the post conventional level and is characterized by reasoning based on principles, using a "prior to society" perspective. The individual's reason here is based on the principles which underlie rules and norms, but reject a uniform application of a rule or norm (Source: Studies in moral development and education). According to Campbell and Bond (1982) Kohlberg's ideas of moral reasoning, moral realism and morality are based on the premise that at birth all humans are void of morals, ethics and honesty. Kohlberg identified the family as first source of values and moral development for an individual. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy being honest or generous is just not a tendency to do what is honest or generous, nor is it to be helpfully specified as a "desirable" or "morally

Monday, October 28, 2019

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay Example for Free

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that special steps be taken when recruiting disabled veterans. The DVAAP requires that the federal government award three percent of all federals contracts to disabled veterans. The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that disabled veterans must be hired if they are able to work and willing. This affirmative action requires that there should be promotion of maximum of employment and job opportunities for disabled veterans within the federal government. This therefore supports the argument that disable veterans should get preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled. This act defines a disabled veteran as the veteran who has the right to receive compensation under the laws administered by VA. It also defines a veteran as a person who was released from duty due to a service connection disability. The DVAAP program aims to raise the number of disabled veterans in profession positions through interval jobs advancement opportunities. It also focus on increasing the number of disabled veterans in technical position through recruitments DVAAP seeks to promote efforts that ensures disabled veterans are included in recruitment efforts. (Sowell, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veterans are accorded preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled because, the DVAAP act dictates that are all state agencies and institutions increase employment opportunities fro disabled veterans. The veteran’s affairs department advocates nard for assistance to be granted to veterans owned small businesses. The federal regulations for disabled veterans provide that employments should not request self identities during recruitment opportunities. Veterans must not identify their disability status before they have been offered a job. On many occasions, disabled veterans, even when willing to work and qualified, are shut of the workforce due to the discrimination. The federal law provides that preferential treatment be given to veterans seeking employment. The law ensures that the disabled veterans on a preferential basis, the full employment services presented by law. Disabled veterans should be provided with intensive employment and training services to prepare them accordingly for the jobs. Affirmative Action for women and minority   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action for women and minority is established with an attempt to redistribute economic power equally by ensuring that employers give preference to women and minorities during recruitments. Affirmative action is a plan initiated to remedy any cases of discriminating behavior that have occurred in an institution in the past. Affirmative action gives preferential to women through a range of measures such as lower scores for test for jobs or recruitment procedures. Due to the long history of discrimination cases occurring based on race and sex, affirmative action programs have been initiated and directed towards women and minorities. This has been done to promote recruitment, retention, promotion and educational opportunities accorded to women and minority. (Charles J Muhl.). Strategies used in affirmative action programmes are focused on expanding the pool of job or admission applicants. This can be done through using strategies that reach outside the traditional channels set especially by placing employment notices in areas where the women and minorities will easily see them. Affirmative action programs are increasing on the job training opportunities that encourage occupation mobility within the workplace. Affirmative Action Programs for women and minority have been instituted and granted the force of law. Affirmative actions for women and minority in employment were implemented to prohibit discrimination by employers based on sex. Women should be accorded equal opportunities just like their male counterparts. The affirmative action for women and minorities addresses issues such as prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, recruitment and hiring methods, discrimination complaints and promotions.      Ã‚  The federal law requires that institutions determine whether women and minorities are being underutilized in their companies. If this is the case, companies must take steps to correct this situation, especially through the use of recruitment and outreach programs and also put more emphasize on eliminating barriers that hinder equal employment opportunities. Institution managers and supervisors must ensure that steps are taken to ensure women and minorities are aware of available job opportunities. Women and minority groups must be given full and fair consideration based on their abilities and qualifications. Due to the discrimination of women and minorities in the learning centers, affirmative action programs have been initiated to ensure that these groups are accorded equal opportunities in the education system. This also ensures that trained women and minority are included in the hiring and promotional activities. Affirmative action for women and minorities ensure that qualified women and minorities are included in the candidates’ pool. (Ball, Haque, 2003). Affirmative Action Arguments   Ã‚   Based on the affirmative action, three arguments have been offered, which include social good also known as the utilitarian consideration, compensatory justice referred to as deontological theory and the ideal of equality. The social good, states that the society will benefit more by initiating programs that enrich and empower women. By advancing women, the society is required to offer employment opportunities to women and minorities based on their qualifications. However, this affirmative action has led to more qualified men being left out of job opportunities in order to promote women who are even less qualified. As a result, institutions are using the quota system instead of the merit system to allocate jobs. Many people have argued that this system has promoted less qualified candidates and left out the more qualified candidates. Affirmative action therefore creates a big wedge between individual worth and economic success. This is evidence enough that the quota system does not benefit the society. Women who succeed in their companies are not accorded the respect they deserve. This is because many people claim that the women succeed due to preferential treatment policies that are directed to the women and minority. The implementation of affirmative action created a bad tradition in the workplace, whereby employers are quick to promote women without qualification or place them in inappropriate job positions so as to meet the affirmative action requirements. By doing this, employers put women and minorities at a higher risk of failing in their jobs and their after lay the blame on their sex, race and preferential treatment policies. (Gilbert, Stead, Ivancevich, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚   The compensatory justice argument, also known as deontological theory, claims that if a person causes injury to someone else they should remedy the damage. Affirmative action claims that even the descendants of the injured person should be compensated as well. Objections to this argument state that those individuals being compensated are not victims in any way and those being forced to pay the compensation have not done any wrong. Those objecting to this argument claim that since some minority groups have been subjected to historical prejudice previously, this has been used to classify all low earning groups as victims of injustice. This argument claims that since women have been victims of prejudice and discrimination in the employment and education sectors, they should be given preferential treatment when recruiting, training or hiring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ideal of equality is the most common moral argument for affirmative action programs. Under this argument women and minority groups should be accorded equal treatment and rights just like men and other groups. Under law employers must not use discriminatory biases such as gender, race, or national origin to hire or recruit candidates. However, some government agencies and constitutions have implemented policies that oppress both the women and minorities. Some government policies restrict the employment of certain groups especially women and people of color in certain job categories. The main objection of this argument is that equality means that everyone should be granted equal treatment and not being given priviledges. Most women advocating for equal treatment, are actually advocating for priviledges in employment opportunities. (Allen, 2003).   Ã‚   In the compensatory justice argument, both men and women should be given justice because; all human beings should be given what they individually deserve. Men should be given employment opportunities just like women. According to the deontological theory, the rightness of the means justifies the action. According to this, both men and women should be accorded their rights equally. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veteran affirmative action program is a way of promoting the lives of disabled veterans released from active duty due to service disability, by ensuring they get equal employment opportunities like other veterans who are not disabled. Affirmative action for women and minorities on the other hand, seeks to promote women and minority groups at the expense of other qualified candidates. Affirmative action for women has led to the employment of women with less qualification at the expense of more qualified men. Affirmative action for women and minorities, to some extent, does not promote race or gender equality. However, the Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Program promotes equality among all veterans, whether disabled or not disabled. References Allen, R. (2003). Examining the implementation of affirmative action in law enforcement. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 411. Ball, C., Haque, A. (2003). Diversity in religious practice: Implications of Islamic values in the public workplace. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 315. Charles J Muhl. Monthly Labor Review. Washington: Jan 1999. Vol. 122, Iss. 1; p. 48 (2 pages). Gilbert, J.A., Stead, B.A., Ivancevich, J.M. (1999). Diversity management: A new organizational paradigm. Journal of Business Ethics, 21(1), 61-76. Sowell, T. (2004). Affirmative Action around the World: An Empirical Study. Yale University Press.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mercury in the Everglades Essay -- Geology

Mercury in the Everglades Everglades Background Information: * Established in 1947 on 1.4 million acres in southwest Florida * Sunny, Semi-Tropical Swamp Setting. Experiences near daily downpours ( Mercury's Effect on the Everglades: * A small amount of mercury is found in the crust of the earth. This is not the problem. The anthropogenic mercury is the problem. The mercury that is growing dangerously in size is known as methylmercury. It is an organic substance that still baffles scientists who are trying to work out its life cycle. So far, what they know is that methylmercury forms when inorganic mercury combines with organic matter that is dissolved in water. This reaction favors conditions that are extremely warm, where there is plenty of sunlight, and where the right kind of bacteria is present (mainly sulfate reducing bacteria). The Everglades, unfortunately, because of its large amount of sunlight and the near daily downpours provides ideal environment for forming methylmercury. ( * Mercury settlement: The majority of mercury sett;es into the surface sediment where the amount of mercury was2.5 times more than the deep sediment. This of course leads to an even greater chance of the mercury getting recycled into the food chain rather than decomposing. ( * Biomagnefication: Methylmercury becomes deadly to the environment through the process of biomagnefication. To achieve biomagnefication, the mercury must be consumed by microorganisms nd work its way up the food chain increasing in concentration as it enters large... ... that 95% of the mercury arrives in the Everglades via the atmosphere. Hydrological changes resulting from the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project ( * Conclusion: Rising mercury levels in the Everglades is just one of the problems that we need to deal with in order to protect our Everglades. However, it is not an issue that we can procrastinate on or fight over. Mercury levels are rising and our time is running out. We need to act before it is too late. * Bibliography: ( ( ( ( ( (

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Essay -- Papers

Marketing Different Companies have different methods of selling their products, some companies decide to launch an item and wait for the results of the sales. Another method of selling a product is to research the market in which it is to be sold. There are various ways of conducting some market research, much depends on the item you wish to sell, the time you may have to research and the amount of money that is available. People who are expected to be consumers may be approached in order to recognise their needs, this may be done through questionnaires verbally by post or by phone once their needs are recognised it will be clearer what to provide for them. Research into the companies' product may provide information into potential competition and pricing the product. Price is of obvious importance for maximum sales and maximum profit. Researching the market may suggest that a sample should be circulated in order to address and amend any issues for example if it is an edible product the taste and smell must be considered if it is an electrical product the functions may be considered is it user friendly or practical or too complicated the right product with the wrong design will not sell and cold turn a potential profit into a potential loss. Studying peoples buying patterns will unveil ideas as to where this product should be sold, where people are more likely to buy them the consumer will have to be targeted and the product strategically planned in order to sell e.g. Haagen Dazs Good market research and prompt recognition and coherence will allow the producers to adopt relevant selling strategies and the ability to ... ...oduce enough in June 1994 and therefore decided not to use any advertising promotions. This may have been avoided if primary research had been done earlier to see what the demands of the consumers were, and the forecast of the weather. The product proved to be successful and ultimately that is what produces profits. Walls chose to conduct little primary research it may be that it was not required as Solero was a success, but it may also suggest that Walls missed out on profits of one month in an exceptionally hot summer because of lack of primary research Also arguably, Walls set out to repeat the success of Magnum in the indulgence sector but according to the impulse-positioning map Solero is purchased as refreshment and not indulgence does this mean that there is still room for a product in the indulgence sector?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media and Mass Communications Development on a Healthy Mature Culture Essay

This argumentative essay is specially made to discuss the possibility for media and mass communication to nurture the development of a healthy, mature culture. Overall, the process of media and mass communication media development has already caused changes in the public sphere. The digitalization of media dramatically increases the chances of the people to get an access to the information, which is transferred instantly and often has not been edited by the people in government or media bosses. Thus, the information is now very complicated to control and therefore public has more opportunities to form its own opinion by comparing the facts from the different sources. The major problem, which could be seen right away, is the relation between the today’s process of media development and the actual development of a healthy culture. An assumption could be suggested that media and mass communication are able to influence the development of a healthy and mature culture, but it will require some significant changes form both media owners and their employees, as well as from society itself. Let’s de-construct the elements of the question and consider them in details in order to provide the better analysis. Strinati (2004) claims that the coming of the mass media and the increasing commercialization of culture and leisure resulted in the rise of issues, interests and debates which are still with us today. The researchers talk about culture, but what exactly is a culture? The word origin of culture or, the Latin root of the term is â€Å"colere,† meaning anything from cultivating to inhabiting, protecting, or worshipping. Modern definition of culture is the following: it is a growing sum of â€Å"knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations. † (Muller, 2005) Cultures differ depending on the mentioned elements of culture. As the examples of different cultures, the culture of Eastern and Western countries could be named. Mature† means the situation or the final condition when the full desired growth or development has been reached. â€Å"Healthy† means the robust and well condition; it is also an efficient and sound being. â€Å"Development† is a positive change; it is also a process of growth and an evolution. The word â€Å"nurture† means the act of helping to grow or develop; it is also an act of cultivation of some characteristics. â€Å"Media† are the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, for example, television, newspapers, radio and internet. In agreement to Morley (2000) the current global culture is the culture of hyper mobility where â€Å"we often engaged in border-crossings of one kind or another, but the nature and functions of borders themselves are shifting†. (Morley,2000) We live in the information economy era, in the era of new progressive technologies and communications that break the borders, in the times of social and economic evolution, the public sphere experiences new challenges and face new opportunities in this world full of complexity. Without a doubt the influence of modern mass communication over the culture is considerable. The shifts in the social and other aspects that are influenced by the spread of technologies and new media are powerful and they change our lifestyle, our habits and hobbies: they change the way we are living. Power and Scott (2004), argue the significance of mass media technology for economic and social life may be shown by considering certain developments of the 21st century. The situation in the 21st century in terms of the cultural development and its influence on people is much more complex than ever before. The introduction of internet has a significant influence over business and education because it provides greater learning opportunities than ever before. It is clear that the benefits of new technologies and mass communication for the education are enormous. Many experts claim that media influence the way we live in both positive and negative ways. An individual that aims to gain a significant social success almost can’t achieve it without at least slight use of the information gained through mass communication. Therefore these options can’t be ignored because they affect the majority of spheres of life and bring certain experience of social change. The development of mass media presents some outstanding social opportunities. But at the same time, the successful rise of mass media has also brought up concerns about the negative consequences of its spreading. There no doubt that mass communications and media have the tremendous influence over society and its culture. Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) These changes lead to â€Å"new era economics† also known as a knowledge economy, non-linear effects, an unpredictable future, a redefinition of terms, time/distance changes, and much greater transparency. (Bloomfield, Coombs & Knights, 2000) Without a doubt, media sector experience dramatic transformations both in terms of the access to the information, the speed of the information spreading throughout the world and the increasing inability to control the information by the media owners or the government institutions. The processes of total digitalization and media convergence have started in 2000s and the majority of mass media indicate the possibility of turning the print media into fully digital forms by 2020 or 2025. Digital media has potentially revolutionary impact on the lifestyle of society. There is also an idea that media development and digital revolution are the ways â€Å"into an unknown and fundamentally changed future. † (Feldman, 1997) New media and new way of communications not only influence the culture of society, but they also change the way and manners of the socialization of its members. The major advantage of electronic communication and information technologies is the capability to transfer the information faster, at a lower cost, and to more people while also offering increased data communality, and processing. Another important aspect in which the media and mass communication can influence and nurture the development of a new healthy culture is the improved opportunity of learning by obtaining necessary information much faster and easier than ever before. Information acquisition is the process by which information is obtained from the environment and added to the collective stock of knowledge of a person or society in general. Fast information distribution provided by the modern mass communication allows sharing information sources among members of society freely, without the governmental control. The new mass communication also store information, and it plays a critical role in the development of culture, since socially accepted past experiences need to be accumulated for future use.